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Country Russian Federation
Signed Up August 2, 2013
Last Posted February 24, 2022 at 2:22 PM
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#32 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events
DCSIs this view popular amongst Russians or is it just young folks thinking like this?

Putin is completely despised by younger people, his biggest sympathizers are people in their 40/50s, who support him only because they are afraid of returning of 1990s Russia (hard time, but way more democratic than now). Putin exploits this fear to the fullest extent, blaming all his fuckups on 'the hard post-soviet legacy' (although he was a mayor deputy in the St. Petersburg administration at the very same time and responsible for many failures back then).

posted about 3 years ago
#28 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events
StylaxCurious for any Russkis to share their thoughts on this or describe public perception back home.

Putin is a megalomaniac who wants to raise his falling ratings (after increase of the retirement age, for example) with some war effort. Some people support this craziness, but those are uneducated brainwashed TV viewers mostly. Any sane person opposes it with passion.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 ETF2L Division 1: Fenneks eSports vs. 4-25 (Week 7) in Events

msh was kicked for being mentally ill and arrogant prick, here is his copypaste powered by google translator


posted about 11 years ago