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SteamID64 76561198028889354
SteamID3 [U:1:68623626]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:34311813
Country Australia
Signed Up September 8, 2014
Last Posted April 18, 2016 at 1:14 AM
Posts 6 (0 per day)
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#229 PugChamp in Projects

hey can you fix the name change field?
isn't currently working

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Devil Daggers in Other Games

Hey sorry for this shameless plug but it's suitable.

My friends have been working on this the last few months and if you like arena fps and going fast and fragging demons then you might enjoy this game.

posted about 9 years ago
#117 TF2 update for 12/2/15 in TF2 General Discussion

It is because people want to know that others are seeing their special weapon skins.

If it starts to become widely known that a portion of players are not seeing the special skins then the people with skins will feel like less of a special snowflake. Valve will lose a tiny foothold on the monopoly of people that want to feel special when they play multiplayer games (hint: that is the majority of everyone playing video games today)

posted about 9 years ago
#64 TF2 update for 12/2/15 in TF2 General Discussion

There is no technical reason I can think of that would warrant valve not letting people run dx8 in competitive.

Imo this may sound tinfoil but I think the fact that weapon skins don't display on dx8 is being underlooked

valve want to make it so you see weapon skins, so the all the fat idiot children are getting their monies worth when they buy some fucking purple dildo skin

it's so you have to see the fucking pathetically shit weapon skins when you play competitive

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Router issues in Q/A Help

Hi, recently got new internet that is fast, works fine browsing websites, loading content.
My connection to my normal servers is fine as well like 40 - 50ms.
Every game I have a very very short period of packet loss, like half a second, so quick that nothing registers on the netgraph, I will be playing and then teleport backwards to resync with the server.
I have tried my housemates computer and he gets it as well.
I called the ISP they claim that nothing is wrong with the line. is there anything I can do? maybe a setting in the router itself?

posted about 9 years ago
#163 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion


    These are console errorsI get on a regular basis, each freezing the game for a little over a second at a time, have tried verifying files, nothing happens:

    Material "models/weapons/c_items/c_rocketboots_demo" : proxy "AnimatedWeaponSheen" unable to initialize!
    Error: Material "models/weapons/c_items/c_rocketboots_demo" : proxy "AnimatedWeaponSheen" unable to initialize!
    Model '(null)' doesn't have attachment 'backblast' to attach particle system 'rocketbackblast' to.
    Failed to load sound "ambient_mp3\fire\fire_small_loop2.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
    odel '(null)' doesn't have attachment 'backblast' to attach particle system 'rocketbackblast' to.
    Model '(null)' doesn't have attachment 'backblast' to attach particle system 'rocketbackblast' to.

    The text that you highlight in the console text is never actually what you're highlighting, there will always be more text from the previous line.


Tf2 is a very good game that means a lot to a lot of people, this isn't whining, can I just point out:

Valve has received a lot of money from tf2 alone (judging from this interview, this)

The community has received in return:
this hat
janky shameful gamemode

While some new features would be nice, what is more important is that valve actually care for once.
The majority of maps are now community made.
The majority of stupid hats and weapons are now community made.
I think it's nearing evident that valve has the capacity to make this game what it deserves, but doesn't care.
If they cared they wouldn't have let the game look as embarrassing as it does today.

posted about 9 years ago