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SteamID64 76561198044029363
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:41881817
Country Latvia
Signed Up February 23, 2013
Last Posted November 20, 2019 at 11:12 AM
Posts 230 (0.1 per day)
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#65 TF2 player nationalities by toxicity in Off Topic
DoughyEU version. Kinda biased (obviously) since I judge it based on people I know (I do know a lot of people though).

Been pointed out the flag between israel/turkey is wrong one (im stupid). Meant to be Croatia.

I think you wanted to place the lithuanian flag not the latvian one in D. A common mistake

posted about 5 years ago
#65 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion

Heads up for people flying with Ryanair to Lan.

The British Airline Pilots Association (Balpa) has announced two walkouts.

The first strike will be for 48 hours from 22-23 August, while the second strike will be for 60 hours from 2-4 September.

FYI you can request them alternative flight.

2. We will accommodate you to your end destination with whom we have a reciprocal agreement. Our partner airlines include EasyJet, Jet2, Vueling, CityJet, Aer Lingus, Norwegian or Eurowings airlines.

If this option is not available on the same or the next day then;

3. We will accommodate you on any “comparable and reasonable” transport alternative to your end destination – for example on a train, bus, airline, car hire). If you are required to exercise this option, you may be advised to rebook flights yourself and submit the receipts to us for reimbursement.

Passengers must contact us prior to arranging alternative transport.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Bow giveaway in Off Topic

World wide shipping? If so, i would like 1, please

posted about 5 years ago
#76 i65 cu@ in TF2 General Discussion
it_is_crownIf my new boss gives me 2 free days, cu@

2 free days - check
Lan ticket - check
Flight tickets - in progress


posted about 5 years ago
#3 Cyberpunk 2077 Release date announced in Other Games

Tbh more hyped for Ghostwire:Tokyo

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Turbo Teammates boosts into the Prem Qualifiers in News

Shame turbo didn't stick with his best name - Turbomonkey138

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Lan in february(or june) in LAN Discussion

So would like to get a bit more of a discusion going on about this opportunity for a winter lan.

As for now things like prizepool, rentals, production haven't been discussed because I'm simply waiting for people to respond about attendance so I can move forward. I mentioned to my friend, that I might get minimum of 8 teams.

I had other questions about prices outside of event.
For example:
Eating - you can get a good meal around 3-5 EUR
Venue - it's near center of the city, so you can go for a walk to see our old town etc.,24.0819253,3a,75y,287.25h,91.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxQ142fXxuryHKiIucAf33Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Taxi - taxi is cheap. You can drive 10km for around 9 eur. - a small preview about what's happening today.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Lan in february(or june) in LAN Discussion

February seems to be planned 15.-16.,but i'll speak about option for 3 day lan.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Lan in february(or june) in LAN Discussion
DreamboatThe only concern I could reasonable see depends when it is in June. Might be too close to copenhagen games for some people to attend.

Alternatively if it's close enough, spend a little time in Denmark and group migrate to latvia

June would be early, 1st weekend (6-7.). Thats why, imo maybe it would be reasonable to play in february.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Lan in february(or june) in LAN Discussion
ondkajaThe Baltics is a great place for LANs due to how cheap everything is there. Good luck with the organisation!

Exactly. Lan tickets - half the price of i series lans, food, beverages cheap (beer is 2.5-3eur a pint). If interest will be big enough, ill start to talk to dorms near the venue about accomodations.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Lan in february(or june) in LAN Discussion


I would love get communities opinion on possibilty of attending lan in Riga, Latvia in february. I personally know 1 of the main organizors for Hypertown esports festival and he said that we can come and orginaze lan there. Im meeting organizers in 2 or 3 weeks so i would love to get some feedback about if people would love to attend and game here, in Latvia.

Ticket info is in the home page.

P. S next one is february, but 1 after is june.

P. S. S im doing this 1st time and if i missed something, please point it out. Thanks.

posted about 5 years ago
#46 i65 cu@ in TF2 General Discussion

If my new boss gives me 2 free days, cu@

posted about 5 years ago
#30 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV

Everyone showing up for the final battle
Cap picking up thors hammer
Thanos just being a really good vilain
Spidys killmode

How the hell Thanos and his fleet time traveled if Nebula used only Pim particle they had?
Didnt get any small talk between Tony and Pepper about her armor. I was waiting something about the gift or "how does it feel?".

posted about 5 years ago
#3 ETF2L S32 Mid GF: not red doggo vs. ya nemnogo D R I P P Y in Events

Bring it home!

posted about 5 years ago
#149 What players do you miss? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
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