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Last Posted December 17, 2013 at 5:20 PM
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#180 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion

D% E% A% G%: Finndy's ban was permanent back in March, when I first banned him. He's done a variety of things since the initial ban that result in me having less than 0 desire to reconsider it (even if he offered to pay me). He apparently hadn't tried to join the channel since we moved networks, so his ban had not yet been replaced. I banned him at the start of the conversation for this reason alone.
4:59 PM - D% E% A% G%: what have i ever done to her?
4:59 PM - D% E% A% G%: like seriously, all of my friends except shoe have been unbanned
4:59 PM - D% E% A% G%: ridiculous
4:59 PM - D% E% A% G%: well besides lennon
5:00 PM - Femme Fatale ♛ᵀv: I think it was a combination of your (perceived) involvement in NBK and your consistant aliasing despite beng told otherwise
5:00 PM - D% E% A% G%: idk i mentor 5 different people and all i want to do is play with my friends in silver and stuff
5:01 PM - D% E% A% G%: i really think shes just holding a grudge for too long
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
5:01 PM - Femme Fatale ♛ᵀv: I think so too. I don't think you've done anything to merit a ban at the moment. But I'm not going to fight Elena. It's her decision.
5:02 PM - D% E% A% G%: god every single admin including you wont do anything to balance her
5:02 PM - D% E% A% G%: like me and blindsight are bros
5:02 PM - D% E% A% G%: but hes too afraid to do anything either
5:02 PM - Femme Fatale ♛ᵀv: We have to show solidarity, I supposse

posted about 11 years ago