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SteamID64 76561198285115555
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Country Oman
Signed Up October 29, 2017
Last Posted May 14, 2018 at 2:18 AM
Posts 74 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.3 (proj) 2.0 (hit)
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse G403
Keyboard aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mousepad Razer Goliathus
Headphones aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Monitor aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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#2 Unnerf Demo in TF2 General Discussion

no >:)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 How to make the splash damage effect different. in Customization

I am currently using the no smoke script that creates the lue explosion effect which is great but I wanat it to change a bit if it is possible. The other day I was watching elacour's frag montage and his splash effect is a white circle.

How can I change my no smoke script to a white circle like elacour's?

Thanks in advance :)

video in case you need

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Running with Scizors returns to ESEA Invite in News

Go Sigh!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ubercharge player color in TF2 General Discussion

How do i edit my config so that when a medic pops uber, the color of him and the player healed is very dark blue?
If you don't understand what I'm saying then heres an image to help! https://imgur.com/a/HNbSH

Thanks again everyone!

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Medic Questions :) in TF2 General Discussion

A huge thanks to everyone who commented on this thread. It really does help me a lot :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Medic Questions :) in TF2 General Discussion

I'm new to comp tf2 and willing to main medic. Appreciated if you guys would give me some tips so that I can improve on my gameplay :)

Also, I had some specific questions that I hoped some of the tftv community can answer for me (about medic)

If I have kritz 100%, when would I use it ? Whats the ideal situation for me using it?

I also have some troubletiming when I pop my ubers so my question is
When should I pop uber? Should I use it in a even uber 6v6 if my core classes are about to die ?

Sorry for having too many questions, these were just things in my mind :)
and thanks for looking at my questions and if you do answer then well, Thanks.

Have a good day boys

posted about 7 years ago
#1 embarrasing (?) moments in Off Topic

Have you ever done something or almost done something because you knew nothing about it? an embarrasing moment in tf2 is what im trying to say or something close to that.

when i just got started into comp (which i still am) i saw pugchamp the invite pug champs. i didn't know that it was invite or what invite was so i tried to join but thankfully i didnt :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Gravel Pit in TF2 General Discussion

Why did they stop playing gravel pit after i46 or something. I thought it promoted different classes which was pretty beneficial or is it because it caused too much stalemates?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 shitty montage i made :3 in Videos

so a few days ago i created what is for a millionth time, a hot hand montage.


I think that I kina overused the same repetitive mems which could have been changed but this was my first montage so i gave it a shot.

if i do create another shitty montage :3 what should i improve next time ?

thanks for helping me progress with my quality

posted about 7 years ago
#323 TF2 Legacy videos, round 2! in Videos

How about Dr.Phil :)

posted about 7 years ago
#37 name my team in Q/A Help

Dishsoap's Cleaners

posted about 7 years ago
#4 how to make audio and gameplay match in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstoneto directly answer your question

is probably the command you're looking for

Usually i press resume on the demo like 20 some seconds or so before i actually want to start recording, hit a bind to startmovie movienamehere and then hit a bind to endmovie
host_framerate 60 // for 60fps video, for example
bind [ startmovie lol
bind ] endmovie

this creates a bunch of .tga images per frame and a .wav file in your tf folder
i typically move all these to their own folder before working with them

then i use virtualdub to quickly spit out an .avi video synced to the sound
you just need to open up frame 0 in virtual dub and it'll handle parsing the rest, then choose audio from other source, and then set the framerate so that audio and video length match, it's usually very accurate

then i just edit out the frames where the demoui is showing with lightworks or something

there's decent free software out there for video editing, such as the aforementioned lightworks

you can always ''aquire'' the heavy duty software if you really feel you need it or something

as for quality, i assume you mean when youtube destroys your video after you upload it, even if it looks real nice on your computer

this is in fact, youtubes fault, but if your video is at 1440p or 4k, you get higher and higher allowed bitrates at each level, so you could record like usual, and if your computer can take it, render it out to 1440p or 4k at some like 50+ mbps or even higher depending on framerate and it should theoretically look nicer at the lower quality choices

edit: you mentioned that you're on mac os i think in your other thread, i'm sure there's alternative software to things like virtualdub that can accept .tga files as input. i recall something out there called filmora or soemthing that could do it

Also, because valve only supports h264, the game automatically renders the demo to a .mp4 file so yeah

posted about 7 years ago
#3 how to make audio and gameplay match in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstoneto directly answer your question

is probably the command you're looking for

Usually i press resume on the demo like 20 some seconds or so before i actually want to start recording, hit a bind to startmovie movienamehere and then hit a bind to endmovie
host_framerate 60 // for 60fps video, for example
bind [ startmovie lol
bind ] endmovie

this creates a bunch of .tga images per frame and a .wav file in your tf folder
i typically move all these to their own folder before working with them

then i use virtualdub to quickly spit out an .avi video synced to the sound
you just need to open up frame 0 in virtual dub and it'll handle parsing the rest, then choose audio from other source, and then set the framerate so that audio and video length match, it's usually very accurate

then i just edit out the frames where the demoui is showing with lightworks or something

there's decent free software out there for video editing, such as the aforementioned lightworks

you can always ''aquire'' the heavy duty software if you really feel you need it or something

as for quality, i assume you mean when youtube destroys your video after you upload it, even if it looks real nice on your computer

this is in fact, youtubes fault, but if your video is at 1440p or 4k, you get higher and higher allowed bitrates at each level, so you could record like usual, and if your computer can take it, render it out to 1440p or 4k at some like 50+ mbps or even higher depending on framerate and it should theoretically look nicer at the lower quality choices

edit: you mentioned that you're on mac os i think in your other thread, i'm sure there's alternative software to things like virtualdub that can accept .tga files as input. i recall something out there called filmora or soemthing that could do it

Thanks alot. You responded with answers way more detailed than I thought!

I'll probably be using the demo_resume as a bind because I'm not really comfortable with tga files and those type of things. Thanks for the quality answer.

Happy Holidays!

Edit: Also because I have a mac it won't work. Thanks for helping!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 how to make audio and gameplay match in TF2 General Discussion

sorry for making so much of this shit.

i succesfully made a movie using the tf2 source recorder in game and its pretty good.

the only problem is that if i have my demoui present then it covers my screen but i need it to resume the game and start the movie. If i start the movie and then take the demo ui out while creatin the movie then the audio and video cannot sync.

So here is my solution. does any one have a bind where if I click a button it will resume the game even ithhout the demo ui present on my screen?

and also does anyn=one know how to raise the quality of my clip? Thanks for looking at 50 of my Help me threads lol

posted about 7 years ago
#8 how dO i UPLoad a dEMo tO YoUTUbE? in Q/A Help

okay. I got the old method of the reddit post to work and it succesfully converted the thing to mp4 which is great. is there a way to raise the quality of this clip?

posted about 7 years ago
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