It also only works in fullscreen
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SteamID64 | 76561198117722422 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:157456694] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:78728347 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | September 5, 2016 |
Last Posted | December 28, 2020 at 8:02 PM |
Posts | 3017 (1 per day) |
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what do ya'll do outside of tf2?
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-protoi literally wake up before 11 so i can get breakfast at mcdonalds then i smoke weed all day and play csgo/tf2. my parents are kinda pissed but i do what i want so theres nothing they can do. they are still housing me and i still have enough money for them mcgriddles from when i worked for a bit after i dropped out of college
i really hope you're joking
posted about 8 years ago
NFL 2016 Season
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bwelpmy boy tiger woods coming in clutch
i loved tiger woods on the lakers!
posted about 8 years ago
NFL 2016 Season
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ViperVulcanim still wondering why the seahawks didnt run the balldon't you mean the falcons?...
i dont
posted about 8 years ago
NFL 2016 Season
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im still wondering why the seahawks didnt run the ball
posted about 8 years ago
NFL 2016 Season
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"no team has ever come back from a 20 point loss"
posted about 8 years ago
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HashtagBasedErenJayIf videogaming helps keep doing it otherwise quit, tf2 should always come after health and school
I'm pretty sure almost everybody feels this way, video games help keep your mind off the shit that bothers you. It feels for me, however, that the enjoyment from video games, TF2 in particular isn't doing as much as it used to. Having 3,900 hours on my main and 900 on this one, the game isn't helping as much anymore.
if tf2 is affecting your sleep schedule than quit competitve, play video games more casually
posted about 8 years ago
Deathadder middle click feels "soft"
you could always open it up and clean it out
posted about 8 years ago
donald thembalwethu
The Dumpster
something's ahand on team fortress television
posted about 8 years ago
Radical new competitive format proposal
TF2 General Discussion
LFS low gravity all crit 2fort
Add me
posted about 8 years ago
french revolution
CS2 General Discussion
U can't have shox without scream
posted about 8 years ago