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Signed Up September 6, 2015
Last Posted October 9, 2017 at 6:43 PM
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#24 TF2Pickup is coming back in Projects
BloodisAlso are soldiers finally separated to pockets and roamers? That would be another reason to stick with PugChamp so two players who would both want to specifically play only roamer or pocket could already set their class before joining up.

Yes for 6v6 the soldier class will be split into roamer and pocket.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 TF2Pickup is coming back in Projects
MenachemEU and also NA??

EU and NA and even AU

gemmcan you add to multiple classes? would be good imo so you don't have to guess which class will be in demand 2 pugs from now or something. it could choose which class you play based on how many are added up to that class after you to try even it out

also any discord link? i left the server like a week ago -_-

Discord: https://discord.gg/9CnVSAS

Adding to multiple classes is currently not supported. But feel free to leave your suggestion in discord and we can consider it.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 TF2Pickup is coming back in Projects

This is exactly how the old version worked.

We have made some changes to the queueing system.
Those include:

  • Map votes (finally). You will be able to select a map out of three.
  • There is no limit for adding to the classes anymore. This means that there can be 5 scouts. When there are enough players ready to start a pickup, the 4th longest joined players which are ready will be removed from the queue and play the pug.
  • As a medic you can still pick another player to be with you.
posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2Pickup is coming back in Projects


posted about 7 years ago
#11 Is TF2Pickup ever coming back? in TF2 General Discussion

Yes, I'm still writing the new site for pickup, though I just had my A-levels and I'm going to be on vacation soon so I don't know when it will be in a stable format.

Some Plans that I have in mind:

  • Make a proper chat system with emoticons and mentions
  • Rework the donation system, so you can buy announcers separately and support more paying methods
  • Use serveme.tf servers (Already worked in the last beta site and worked really well)
  • Rework the queueing system. Allow more players to join a class than needed, similar to pugchamp. When there are enough players to create a game, a ready up phase will start and it will use the longest joined players for the next game.

If you have any suggestions feel free to write them here. When I have an update on some visuals I will post some pictures here.

If anyone is interested in contributing check out our GitHub Organisation

posted about 7 years ago
#126 TF2Pickup.net - the easiest way to play pickup in Projects

Hello everybody!

Beta TF2Pickup.net is open for another round of testing! Come & play some pickups to help find bugs & issues you can report in Discord


posted about 9 years ago