I'm not sure why some of you are biting the hand(s) that feed you. I use to play competitively when ESEA was hosting S3. All I can remember was connecting to the STV and hoping it wasn't going to lag/lag out. When ESEA hosted S5 with LAN there still wasn't much coverage besides carnage and others filming stuff like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZVc5MhL7aU). Now it is completely different.
I thought the LAN and coverage was great. I didn't expect a full blown ESL CS:GO production because the community is still small but damn has it grown. I can't remember when I quit to pursue college but after graduating and reminiscing about my short low/mid career (is that even a term anymore? Shit) I wanted to play TF2 again. First thing I did was look up matches to catch up and tf.tv showed up and I was surprised to see the production of the streams/VODs and to even see Europeans playing because I don't remember hearing much about them back then. Maybe I was easy to please but regardless I was hyped about it all and still am.
The GXL casters might not have been on point at all times but I was able to step away from the screen and listen. I enjoy having high-level players casting such as tagg, fragile, b4nny and others to give insight on plays but I still enjoy the regular casters regardless.
Even the little mistakes on the stream were not all that bad either. I probably laughed far too long at Seanbud commenting on having to take a piss. I don't think other streams/events can get all that personal like that. It adds personality and shows this community is more tight knit than others.
When ever I get my post-college life situated I'd love to help out or even help cast/stream just because it is another part of the community and looks fun. Maybe use my tiny audio degree to help out with audio, microphones, equipment, and more during future events/streams.