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Signed Up January 23, 2021
Last Posted December 4, 2024 at 7:18 AM
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#5 SCOUT MGE TOURNAMENT in TF2 General Discussion

how much do you weigh

posted 1 month ago
#8 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

on a scale of 1 - 10 how retarded do you have to be to post this

posted 6 months ago
#13274 stream highlights in Videos

The amount of clips from this stream was unprecedented

posted 6 months ago
#3 looking for advice in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know why you would want to have asymmetry in your gameplay. If you want honest advice, I would say stick with using the original. If you want to use stock, I'm not really sure there's any advice other than get used to having offset aim. Like the above message, I think it matters the least in dm, thankfully.

posted 6 months ago
#19 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
Lemmy42Assuming this is a real leak it's only getting worse and worse

"Uncle Dane's Screen"

posted 8 months ago
#8 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
Richarrrrdjust because it's marginally more useful

do you think you will say the same in 5, 10 years?

posted 8 months ago
#16 Just got scammed out of 200 dollars worth of keys in TF2 General Discussion

After looking at your Steam profile, I've concluded the following: You deserve this.

posted 9 months ago
#2 is this real in Off Topic
veccis he really allowed to do this

I don't think this is stated to be allowed anywhere in the RGL rulebook...

posted about a year ago
#25 Most of old visuals pack (works on serveme) in Customization

Great pack. Just wanted to say 2012 pack botkiller rocket launcher viewmodel had red sleeve despite being on blue team, all other launchers are fine.

posted about a year ago
#12 trxz lft adv medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

good player, but incredibly toxic behind the scenes, pick him up if you can overlook that.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Clip of habib saying prayer and bombing in in Q/A Help

i know the clip you are talking about

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Crosshairs on lower res in TF2 General Discussion

the crosshairs seem to have a few values at which they are less blurry, so try adjusting cl_crosshair_scale until you find a value thats good for you, and that looks right

posted about 3 years ago

this map is cool but i dont like this map because on the map of badlands middle the wooden boxes are gone and i play soldier and i like to go on top of the boxes because in soldier versus soldier being on the high ground is very important (did not mean to reference star wars lol) so if you have the advantage then you can which against players who have more time than you like in terms of hours and maybe aim but also i think that some of the arenas on this new mge map are sometimes not very useful like for the example i will use is 2fort... it only has 2fort middle but to be honest even though i only have like not as many hours on 2fort as other people i still think that fighting at middle is not very common because theres also sniper so i always go under the main area and used the tunnels and sometimes when i do go across the bridge i dont see anybody which again is just a reason that having a 2fort middle arena does not have as much use as other areas like for example 2fort last (the intel room) would be a lot more useful because usually im playing engineer on 2fort and i have to fight spies and other enemies like soldier or heavy thats trying to take the intel so i think thats a lot better to have the 2fort intel room as an arena... other than that i think its a good map but i think i would prefer if the badlands 2nd and 4th point (the spire) (add 5) didnt actually have the spire now i know that might be very controversial because its named after the spire but i think removing it would still be ok because theres the ledge and you can use that as the point you go to because then theres only 2 levels and nobody can do the hide and shotgun thing (its so annoying and i lose like 2 elo to the players who do it so like why do they even do it) but if you had just the ledge then they just go to the ground and they die so it takes a lot of more skill to play like that... i think also another cool idea which would be cool and sorry for putting this in a separate section but sorry i didnt think of it earlier when i was writing about the boxes on badlands middle but if there was a version of badlands middle that only had the middle area of badlands because a lot of times im fighting people and they run over to the sides (the lower area) and i should win that because i have the advantage for heigh but i dont because the demoman is too far away so my rocket launcher only does like 30 or 40 hp which is like an ok amount but then also the demoman is overhealed so its harder and also because theirs a distance the demoman can like dodge the rockets in real time so its really no skill required because the rockets are so god dang slow but of course he has like a ton of bullets in his guns and they all do like 40 damage which you would think is ok because its the same as rockets but i only have 4 rockets (pipes are super op actually because do always do 100 it doesnt matter how far away you are) so even if he misses he still has a ton of bullets left to shoot are you and sticky can go super fast which makes it impossible to dodge so yeah overall i think just an area that just has the middle area of badlands middle (is that an oximoron lol) would be epic but it should also keep the boxes... my final suggestion would be to have similar to the 2fort thing an arena for each big (as in played a lot i dont mean just big like large or in room) 5 cp map should be added so you can practice defending your last because my RGL(tm) (idk if thats trademarked but i put it to be safe) 6s team we run into that situation at least one time per game and sometimes we lose so having a place to practice defending your last in 5 cp maps would be useful to me/us/everybody... i hope these suggestions make it into the next versions of mge training enhanced but like its been years since the previous version to v17 so maybe i just have to wait another 5 years hahaha

posted about 4 years ago