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Signed Up May 4, 2018
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 5:40 PM
Posts 141 (0.1 per day)
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#13006 stream highlights in Videos we both hit it rofl

posted 11 months ago
#12984 stream highlights in Videos

posted 11 months ago
#21 mge cryptid tier list in TF2 General Discussion
I was playing endif w a pub friend years ago and vis joined w direct hit (and possibly mantreads? don't recall) to stop us from playing together

oh ya v!s is the goat
case in point:

arctic_tf and clx are up there too

posted about a year ago
#34 triple airshots? in Videos

+ ones that arent mine that i think havent been posted - 3 people airshot this guy consecutively

posted about a year ago
#60 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion
gragery but I suspect that Coyo might try using that to paint KN badly in a potential response.

This person wanted to try and paint me in a bad light:

[5:23 PM]
lambo driver:
ties asked for my number bc hes gonna come over to uk when he gets back from japan; then ties jokes about sending my number to 14 year olds once i give him it then coyo just says he loves 14 year olds

posted about a year ago
#1 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion


Recently multiple individuals have come forward to me, disclosing information about a member of the community who is currently preying on both young and vulnerable people. In response to a few of the factors (namely the number of victims and their respective ages), I have felt a sense of responsibility to inform others of what I now know. This individual is Coyo. There are four victims that have come forward so far and I urge any that have experienced similar predatory behaviour and harassment from coyo to speak about it in this thread.

His behaviour, consistent across all victims:

I have been informed that the main method of getting people to stay talking to him is emotional blackmail. He offloads all of his negative emotional baggage and emphasises hurting himself. The consistent mention of how depressed he is and the self harm is utilised both to garner sympathy and to impose fear (see later screenshot referring to self harm via starvation for an example). The fear comes as the people he talks about this to are scared of what he might do to himself if they stop talking to him, as he heavily implies he will hurt himself if they do stop.

After this initial contact has taken place he will then move onto his process of grooming the victims. One of his methods is making "jokes"of a sexual nature. These "jokes" can range from suggestive references to profile pictures , cropping screenshots out of context to imply a sexual meaning and even "joking" about paying a minor for sex .

This screenshot also contains him talking in a suggestive/sexual manner, this time he doesnt try to disguise it as a joke.
Further proof of grooming:

Keep in mind all of the messages above were sent to people below the age of 18.

The third method is to bombard the victims with compliments and confessions of love. Screenshots below: - this one also containing mentions of the victim's age, they had only just turned 18.

As a continuation of this behaviour, his sexual and romantic advances do not cease even when confronted about being "creepy" - a clear indication that his behaviour is inappropriate and his advances unwanted. He continues to push despite being ignored or even directly told to stop. Screenshots below:

Thirdly, coyo will then begin pursuing both a relationship and a meetup. If declined he will pressure and beg consistently for a while afterwards, until he inevitably gives up on the person and moves onto the next. This was the case for 2 of the known victims. A third victim was persuaded into early planning of the meetup, in which coyo suggested he visits one of the other victims as a sort of stepping stone. This third victim was 17 at the time initial plans were made. See below:

Lastly on the topic of predatory behaviour, one of the victims he pursued had past experience with being groomed, which coyo himself had knowledge of as shown below:

This means not only did he cover up a groomer, he also enacted predatory behaviour on the same individual.

These two images speak for themselves: - a tweet he liked - very self explanatory.

This is ongoing and more information continues to come to light. I will likely post updates if anything major comes out. Thanks for you time.

posted about a year ago
#6 Top 10 TF2 plays - May 2022 in Videos
dipp_tfdude, the sextuple airshot was staged man...

Pretty pointless just straight up lying..

I was playing a tf2center late at night, people started switching teams near the end. If I'd staged it I never would've submitted it. But go off lil homie..

posted about a year ago
#5 Venomcrest Pythons slither into Prem in News

Respect Ronz.

posted about a year ago
#25 Fly high milkytf in TF2 General Discussion

rest in peace man

posted about a year ago
#32 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion

You're literally missing the point but sure yeah I'll argue cuz I'm bored

scrab Flicking = barbaric, utilitarian

Consistently accurate flicks by players who have actual stopping power is some of the most impressive aiming in videogames. Your personal opinion isn't gospel nor fact.

scrab Ok, so I'm sure you can easily find a clip with more impressive close range tracking. Right? from 2022 btw (makes it more impressive imo!)

posted about a year ago
#29 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah no the argument about what hz quad played on is pointless, everyone was playing on the same tech back then lmfao. You're typing as though he was a 60hz warrior in a 240hz world. Yes quad's tracking is immensely impressive for that time period, but so is almost every other scout's from back then? Why don't you suck off cookye and others while you're at it? It's not like quad was a goliath on a massive pedestal who was incomparably good compared to the rest. The reason "kids these days" can't track like that in tf2 anymore is because of how the movement in this game has evolved. The higher hz makes literally 0 difference to how easy it is to track when soldiers are flying through the sky at lightspeed and other classes aren't moving like roombas. People's movement isn't trackable anymore, you will still see rare cases where players can track, sure, but the only time tracking is viable for the majority in team fortress 2 nowadays is when the enemy's movement is pathetically easy to read. What makes you any more qualified to judge and post opinions than others in this thread? What div would you be if you played now? Why does you being prem like 7 years ago give your opinion any more weight than a div1 player now? Etc.

posted about a year ago
#3 projectile classes demo call in Videos

name is kn/fugazi oops forgot dat part

hope these are what ur looking for

posted about a year ago
#134 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#131 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion

imagine cheating and losing a map to me

posted about a year ago
#4 community demo call v2 :) in Videos
a couple to choose from

posted about a year ago
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