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SteamID64 76561198048238506
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:43986389
Country Pirate
Signed Up November 2, 2012
Last Posted July 10, 2016 at 12:18 AM
Posts 932 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4
Windows Sensitivity 4/11
Raw Input 1
1280 x 800
Refresh Rate
60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK
Mousepad SteelSeries Qck+
1 ⋅⋅ 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ⋅⋅ 62
#68 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
hanbroloIf you throw up a download I can do my best to make it optimized for 4:3/1024x768 (what I use).

Optimized it for my resolution, I had to move some stuff around, the server map time, map name and gametype are now in the red/blu boxes, server name is now at the bottom, some other small stuff like that. I'll upload a screenshot next time I play tf2, forgot to take one this time.

Will now stay the same regardless of if minmode is enabled or not, different from how default rayshud does it. This is useful if you're like me and use minmode to toggle between hud crosshairs.


posted about 11 years ago
#21 TF.TV Pub? Any Interest in TF2 General Discussion

have tried to join up and play around 9 EST (give or take 3 hours) a couple different times this week, was completely empty. Would be great if it was populated, I'd play on it quite a bit. Maybe a steam group would be nice to let people know when a streamers getting their viewers involved/ when the pub is populated?

posted about 11 years ago
#19 setting up a dm server in Q/A Help

where is this DM server hosted? I'd love to give this a try, will be joining up later tonight, wondering what sort of ping I'll get from West Coast. Are all tragic servers Chicago/ Dallas or something?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Scripting help? in Q/A Help

I believe any script that moves you (or your mouse or whatever) after a certain amount of time would require either a macro or the wait command. With my deathadder and razer synapse 2.0 i could set up a macro to do this, but with in-tf2 commands you'd need the wait command which has been disabled on most servers/ maybe even broken for years. the way id do this is bind a key to +moveright or +moveleft, and then sit in spawn up against a wall. You'll be constantly moving against the wall so I believe the plugin to kick afks wouldn't register you as afk, not sure though. Have you considered the plugin simply kicks people who stay in spawn for a while? If so, then there's not much you can do.

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
omnihanbroloomniI believe hanbrolo is going to look into optimizing it for all resolutions rather than 1600x900, so chase him up on that unless you want to do it yourself.hanbroloIf you throw up a download I can do my best to make it optimized for 4:3/1024x768 (what I use).Q_Q

Anyway, the way that omni integrated this custom scoreboard into rayshud/edited rayshud means it is only usable in minmode, and it's subsequently much harder to edit it so the scoreboard doesn't change when toggling minmode (which is how I change crosshairs.) That being so, I decided the best solution would be to simply make my own variation of this cool idea when I have more time/ it's not finals week.

Oops, kind of dropped the ball on that one. I kind of forgot what you said and instead of reading it I just tried to remember it, haha.

Thanks for also bringing up the minmode thing, I think if you set the same xpos and ypos numbers to everything the minmode uses as xpos_minmode, it should work without minmode, but don't quote me on it, as I haven't tried.

Yeah no prob I just thought it was funny haha.

I have no clue if that minmode solution works as I have minimal (yeeeaaaaahhhh) experience screwing around with that particular aspect of huds, but I'll definitely give it a try later tonight or this weekend.

posted about 11 years ago
#57 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
omniI believe hanbrolo is going to look into optimizing it for all resolutions rather than 1600x900, so chase him up on that unless you want to do it yourself.hanbroloIf you throw up a download I can do my best to make it optimized for 4:3/1024x768 (what I use).


Anyway, the way that omni integrated this custom scoreboard into rayshud/edited rayshud means it is only usable in minmode, and it's subsequently much harder to edit it so the scoreboard doesn't change when toggling minmode (which is how I change crosshairs.) That being so, I decided the best solution would be to simply make my own variation of this cool idea when I have more time/ it's not finals week.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Something I'm working on currently.

That looks amazing! Would definitely use this if you choose to release it.

It's currently only optimized for 1600x900. I guess if other people are really interested in it though, I'll try and make it work with all resolutions.

If you throw up a download I can do my best to make it optimized for 4:3/1024x768 (what I use).

posted about 11 years ago
#19 would it help? in TF2 General Discussion
cemberExMachinaI have some ideas on how to integrate roster lists on top of the current look of TF.tv's casts... if it's not overstepping I could try throwing together a mockup building on your images tomorrow?That would be fantastic. Now regarding aesthetics, would it be better to just get rid of the background and give the text like an outline? That way I would assume everything would be visible/readable all the while still looking at the moving background used on stream.

I'd personally like this, if the background is moving even a little bit it looks better to me than a static black background or even one that changes every couple minutes.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 would it help? in TF2 General Discussion
puddddpics and stuff

or put the words on the preexisting background (viaduct in this one, it changes) and have the background still change (not sure how this could be done but I'm sure it's possible).

posted about 11 years ago
#2 tf.tv has third most custom twitch icons in TF2 General Discussion

tyrone one is just awkward now

posted about 11 years ago
#21 YOUR ONE STOP GUIDE TO STEAMPIPE in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys,
I was playing tf2 just fine yesterday night but when I tried to launch it this morning TF2 was uninstalled and it said I don't have enough space to install it. I have no idea how this could have happened, and while I am currently deleting lots of files I'm sure the only way there isn't enough space is if TF2 is still installed. Is it possible that TF2 is still installed but steam just doesn't think it is? I'm pretty sure this has little to no relevance to steampipe, but it's really the only possibility that makes any sense to me atm. Didn't seem to warrant a new thread to me. Excuse the bump if this isn't related to steampipe.

EDIT: no idea why this happened but after i restarted it let me reinstall so i guess it's all good now

posted about 11 years ago
#16 tf2 scripting help in Q/A Help

so in other words, like this:

alias +shiftkey "alias butt1 "say_team Go! Go! Go! Uber is Ready!!"; alias butt2 "say_team Help Me!! Under Attack"; alias butt3 "say_team I'm dead"; alias butt4 "say_team Enemy Medic is down"; alias butt5 "say_team Push!!"; alias butt6 "say_team Retreat!!""
alias -shiftkey "alias butt1 slot1; alias butt2 slot2; alias butt3 slot3; alias butt4 slot4; alias butt5 slot5; alias butt6 slot6"
bind 1 butt1
bind 2 butt2
bind 3 butt3
bind 4 butt4
bind 5 butt5
bind 6 butt6

EDIT: Don't forget to put this too

bind +shift +shiftkey

I think you need to do
bind +rshift +shiftkey
if you want it to work with your right shift key too but I'm not sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#69 Seanbud the Tyrant! in TF2 General Discussion
TechnobladehanbroloTechnobladehanbroloI don't want to DM against someone using a class or weapon that can kill me if he hits his shots regardless of how good my dodging or aim is. Sniper very clearly falls into that category, DH is debatably in it.
wait, this is confusing. So you're saying... you don't want to die to people that hit their shots?

Wouldn't scout be doing that?
I honestly can't tell if you;re kidding, not trying to troll. If you're actually asking for clarification the key for my point is the thing in bold. I'm fine with getting outplayed, I just don't like it when I'm dying for no reason other than positioning in DM. I wanna DM to practice deathmatch (herp derp) , not positioning. Just my personal preference.

Ah, so you're talking about being shot from really far away?
Makes more sense.

Yeah essentially. I don't like dying in DM with no chance to do anything about it, seems pointless to me, especially when killing snipers or DH players when they miss their shots isn't fun or good practice.
Seriously Alleal just go play on eXtv DM (if it's even still alive l0l) or some other server.

posted about 11 years ago
#67 Seanbud the Tyrant! in TF2 General Discussion
TechnobladehanbroloI don't want to DM against someone using a class or weapon that can kill me if he hits his shots regardless of how good my dodging or aim is. Sniper very clearly falls into that category, DH is debatably in it.
wait, this is confusing. So you're saying... you don't want to die to people that hit their shots?

Wouldn't scout be doing that?

I honestly can't tell if you're kidding, but if you're actually asking for clarification the key for my point is the thing in bold. I'm fine with getting outplayed, I just don't like it when I'm dying for no reason other than positioning in a DM server. I wanna DM to practice deathmatch (herp derp) , not positioning. Just my personal preference.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 Seanbud the Tyrant! in TF2 General Discussion
AllealMagikarpJust to get blasted by 1 hit again, okay. It should at least take 2 hits or more to earn a kill really, instant respawn or not. If you truly believe in it, then you can go make your own DM server and have DH and sniper, since so many people want it right?
If you get hit by every rocket the DH fires then it sounds like you suck at DM. But of course you would, since you never DM against a DH. See the problem?

You know TF2 is the only place I've seen that actively ignores top players opinions. Everyone will beg them for their sens/hud/cfg but won't listen to a word they have to say about DM.

At the end of the day it's a video game so having fun is the ultimate goal, regardless of the server being intended for practice. For me personally I don't want to DM against someone using a class or weapon that can kill me if he hits his shots regardless of how good my dodging or aim is. Sniper very clearly falls into that category, DH is debatably in it. Enough people share my opinion for these things to be banned on Fog's servers, there are DM servers that don't ban them for people who don't care or who somehow get practice out of shooting snipers in the back and getting headshot.

posted about 11 years ago
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