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Signed Up November 1, 2012
Last Posted January 9, 2013 at 7:08 PM
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#52 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion
Banaynaylooks very clean and crisp, i like it a lot. gj man:)

thank you :)

posted about 12 years ago
#50 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

I now have a steam group you can join to stay in tune with updates in a more convenient way
I'll post announcements there as well as here when I update the hud

posted about 12 years ago
#49 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion
Trekkieyou should take the r out of your name so this can be kum hud

I'll consider it :P

DougHey krum, I really liked your hud, have been using it since I saw this thread.
But, there are 2 small details that I'd like to point out.

1) There are letters in the 6s scoreboard which don't fit the square, maybe this is due to my resolution (1440x900)

2) When I'm dead, a random number (actually it's always 125, at least when I'm playing Soldier...) overlays my respawn time in the spec hud.

You can see both details in the screenshot:

Also, do you have a steam group for the hud? I'd really like to keep up to date with the hud.


thanks a bunch Doug

the scoreboard issue should be an easy fix, although on my resolution (1366x768) it doesn't look quite as bad, it could definitely look better :)

the respawn time issue I'm not sure how to fix really, what I can do is either move the respawn timer so they won't overlap or make the timer on top of the bugged health, but I will look how other have done it and try to figure out a solution or a work around :)

and for the steam group, no I currently don't have one but I'll make one for sure

posted about 12 years ago
#46 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

you're right dubious :) much inspiration has been taken from quake, the font is pretty much the same as in ql

thanks VoodooChow

VoodooChowoh and 1 question, how i change the dmg indicators' colors

if you're talking about the floating damage numbers you just change, in Resource/UI/HudDamageAccount.res, "negativeColor" for damage and "positiveColor" for heals under "CDamageAccountPanel"

"PositiveColor"			"0 255 0 255"
"NegativeColor"			"menuOrange"

changed to

"PositiveColor"			"0 255 0 255"
"NegativeColor"			"255 0 0 255"

this would make the floating damage numbers red since the color is determined by RGBA format (red green blue alpha)

if you want to change the color of the static damage numbers you do the same under "DamageAccountValue" but you also have to change the color in scripts/HudAnimations_tf.txt under Hit marker, the one that is currently the color "menuOrange"

sorry for the inconvenience I can easily make it so just changing a color in ClientScheme.res would do all that, I'll make that adjustment for the next update :)

posted about 12 years ago
#15 The new broeselhud Installer is here!!! in Customization

this is very cool B-)

posted about 12 years ago
#42 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

no problem Hellbent :)

posted about 12 years ago
#41 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

thank you Desean :)

I actually changed the damage numbers a bit in this update and I think it's closer to what you want. I feel that the damage numbers are very much like crosshairs in that they're both mostly personal preference so guiding people to edit them to fit there needs would be ideal.

posted about 12 years ago
#38 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion
ShinyJesusI don't have the new medigun, but thanks for updating, I couldn't stand stock or PV. lol.

Looks amazing btw, great job. If I need to change small things, I'll do it myself. :)

awesome :)

shifty1gnot gunna use it but it looks great :3

thanks :) no problem

HellbentI miss the circle around the crosshair :(

it was accidentally activated by default in the previous update,
activate it in scripts/hudlayout.res

change this line under xHair1 and xHair2

"visible"		"0"		//"1" to activate


"visible"		"1"		//"1" to activate

you can also change position if it's not centered and color if you like

posted about 12 years ago
#34 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

I made a blind attempt at making the vaccinator hud look unified with the rest of the hud

you can get the new HudMidicCharge.res file here

please give feedback on how it looks :)

posted about 12 years ago
#33 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

thanks shinyJesus :)

ok here is a quick fix for the hud, all of the new hud elements most likely look like shit for now, I'll fix that when i got the necessary resources to version 1.61 up for grabs

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Every Humble bundle DRM-free in Off Topic

I don't think the intention of the humble indie bundle was to let people buy some games for cheap only to then distribute them like a naughty pirate

what's the point of sharing these games on a TF2 forum when there's other much better suited sites for that sort of things

please don't abuse such a nice service as the humble indie bundle. They let us all buy awesome games for a nice price, DRM free

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Solution to gaming with cold hands in Off Topic

I don't know if this is the case for you but I used to get cold hands from gaming, for me though the reason was not the temperature in my room, it was a result of restrained blood circulation in my hands that was caused by having my arms at a bad angle against my desk.
To solve this I lowered my desk which puts my arms at a different angle and I don't get cold hands any more

posted about 12 years ago
#31 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion

I can finally play tf2 again :) so here is an update

version 1.6

updated menu to not crash the game
slight adjustments to tournamentSpectator
made some effectmeters and other various stuff white that previously was off-white
and some other minor adjustments

posted about 12 years ago
#28 HUD² in TF2 General Discussion
MYLESI'd suggest using no color box's for some people.

thanks for the feedback that shouldn't be that hard to do :) you might see a version like that soon

ompAre you a wizard? How did you get rid of the ugly borders on the spectator panels?

yes I'm most definitely a wizard but that has nothing to do with the spechud though :)

you can sett the corner width and hight in ClientScheme.res
i think it was under TFFatLineBorderRedBG and TFFatLineBorderblueBG
but I pretty much changed all borders to have sharp corners so I don't remember exactly

posted about 12 years ago
#16 dx8 last person to join? in Q/A Help

what he meant to write was probably mat_dxlevel 80 in autoexec

this lets me play for at least more than 5 seconds but I still crash quite frequently for unknown reasons

posted about 12 years ago
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