Hey all, I'm one of the admins for RSP. The announcement is simply an interest check, we are currently still in the process of getting Season 3 ready for action. Blades clarified it in an edit to the original post:
~Clarification from the staff and FAQ~ Hiya, Blades here, there's been a lot of excitement after we posted this, and we wanted to clear up a few things that people have been commonly asking. We're now on track for organizing season 3, which means that-
1. We're gathering data and planning the logistics for how this is going to be run, expect some kind of poll or survey while we do this-
2. Unless you're planning wayyy ahead, i wouldn't start forming teams or going LFT *just* yet, as we need to release the rules/etc and get the site up so you can have a place to do this, all of which comes from the results of our data analysis, and-
3. Do tell your friends and teammates about this event, as the more people are interested, the bigger of a show we can put on, and be better able to have a more diverse tournament. -The RSP Team
Right now we are in dire need of admins and helpers, so if you are interested in helping, please get in contact with Umbra.