-fish-The two rounds we won were from them throwing and offclassing.
why are you convinced we threw two rounds? we lost those rounds because those are the rounds we died on mid and didn't react in time to last being capped.
it's kind of hard for me to sit here and actually process the thought of your team thinking we went into the season with some stupid ass sandbag idea in play in a season where first place will get you an ingame participation medal.
we got placed in gold initially and had every intention of playing in gold until smobo actually watched some of our scrims either through nokks stream or codexas stream and saw we probably shouldn't be in gold. he told codexa who to remove, she did, he moved us down. it has nothing to do with some people on the team being friends with smobo since you seem to be convinced it does. the only thing the friendship thing got us was being able to skip the create a ticket part, a part smobo would have been on the receiving end of anyway.
we played tf2 once a week for an hour. all this juicy HL EXPERIENCE you bring up got us was a season where we went 4-3.
but yeah, we're sandbagging mid silver, or whatever