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SteamID64 76561197986570317
SteamID3 [U:1:26304589]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:13152294
Country United States
Signed Up September 1, 2012
Last Posted November 19, 2015 at 5:53 PM
Posts 28 (0 per day)
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1 2
#73 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
-fish-The two rounds we won were from them throwing and offclassing.

why are you convinced we threw two rounds? we lost those rounds because those are the rounds we died on mid and didn't react in time to last being capped.

it's kind of hard for me to sit here and actually process the thought of your team thinking we went into the season with some stupid ass sandbag idea in play in a season where first place will get you an ingame participation medal.

we got placed in gold initially and had every intention of playing in gold until smobo actually watched some of our scrims either through nokks stream or codexas stream and saw we probably shouldn't be in gold. he told codexa who to remove, she did, he moved us down. it has nothing to do with some people on the team being friends with smobo since you seem to be convinced it does. the only thing the friendship thing got us was being able to skip the create a ticket part, a part smobo would have been on the receiving end of anyway.

we played tf2 once a week for an hour. all this juicy HL EXPERIENCE you bring up got us was a season where we went 4-3.

but yeah, we're sandbagging mid silver, or whatever

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Gaming Paradise: Biggest scam in CS history? in CS2 General Discussion

this is the german site he's talking about,2482,11068664.html

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Linux in Off Topic
UltrazI installed arch Linux in an emulator as a first time user. It was really fun and I felt like the shit I was doing was actually bare bones. Sadly I lost what I had after I reinstalled into an ssd I am looking to install again but I want to try making it work like bblean shell I for windows anyone have expirence with bblean and know a Linux version of it?

openbox possibly?

posted about 10 years ago
#44 in TF2 General Discussion
HKI could be wrong but I remember hearing that the steam browser is just a re-skinned version of IE. Can someone confirm/deny?

Either way I would prioritize mobile over IE/steam browser.

it used to be based on ie. now its some old ass version of chrome

posted about 10 years ago
#6 cs go fps/lower detail config in Other Games

pretty much every cvar is locked in csgo

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Best person you have been on a team with? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#3 ModMic issue in Hardware

i have a friend who has the same issue. sometimes it sounds like somebody is being murdered in the background

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Improved default HUD in Customization

the alternative damageaccount files appear to be missing

posted about 10 years ago
#5 viewmodel script in Customization

same thing, different ways to get there

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Main menu help in Customization

mainmenuoverride.res in resource/ui

posted about 11 years ago
#3 stock hud black/gray bars? in Q/A Help

try this in spectator.res

		"ControlName"	"Panel"
		"fieldName"		"TopBar"
		"xpos"			"999999"
		"ypos"			"999999"
		"wide"			"0"
		"tall"			"0"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"0"
		"ControlName"	"Frame"
		"fieldName"		"BottomBar"
		"xpos"			"999999"
		"ypos"			"999999"
		"wide"			"0"
		"tall"			"0"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"0"
		"ControlName"		"Panel"
		"fieldName"		"bottombarblank"
		"xpos"			"999999"
		"ypos"			"999999"
		"wide"			"0"
		"tall"			"0"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"0"
posted about 11 years ago
#1 kyles stream in Requests

finally got a computer that's capable of streaming and playing tf2 at the same time.

i'll be streaming scrims and matches for 6s/highlander once things start picking up again from this christmas break. i've played a couple seasons in open, 2 seasons of plat highlander, a season in gold and some silver here and there. i'll be playing again in silver for this upcoming season of highlander and in plat again for 6s.

i'm from USA

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Real Talk with Stabby stabby - UGC Highlander interview #2 in News

it definitely got really bad really fast for us in s6

posted about 11 years ago
#25 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help
RedBefore calling me a dick and a team destroying one. You might want to consider what caused all this. It might be the scheduling when we don't have 6 or maybe scheduling on the 4th of July. Some other stuff. Leaving early during matches. Not rescheduling stuff when we need it to be. Leaving early from matches really hurts us all when we are paying to play and win games and have fun. It makes it so we don't have enough players and we get low morale because we lose games to not having 5. As a player and part of the team it really sucks. On top of that. Scrimming is a fun thing to do. We aren't able to improve as a team and as players if we can never scrim because someone doesn't have the time to play and if he does he leaves early. All these problems led to this. Think about this. We paid for this and we wanted to have fun and win some games. So before you start making this hate thread on me. Think what you did to bring this to yourself.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Medi-Beam Disappearing in Q/A Help

somewhere in the advanced options

posted about 11 years ago
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