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Last Posted May 14, 2014 at 3:08 PM
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#7 Consistency in Q/A Help
vilemaybe you're not as good as you think you are. watch your demos. there's always something to improve.

I don't think I'm good, I don't have a huge ego, if you will. Are you saying that maybe I expect too much from me?

WithADanceNumberpro's don't keep consistency. Yes, the gap between a good day and a bad day gets smaller over time. However everyone has bad days. 'Pros' will adapt their play-style and mindset to match how they are playing on a certain day. If you are having a bad day then you need to focus on what you can do to play smarter.

So, in a few words, I need to adapt my play style and mindset to how I'm playing, instead of doing the other way around? If that makes any sense.

DevonI've thought a lot about this "consistency thing", things that help me stay consistent are:

I try to not play TOO much, but also not too little.

I also believe "off days" are 100% mental errors, so finding out what makes you have off days and possibly correcting that will relieve you of the problem.

A big thing is focus. Don't underestimate it. This may sound silly/go without saying but always try your best when playing and be 100% aware of everything around you. For me at least how I warm up will result in how well I preform in matches/scrims that day.

Another thing to add would be keeping your cool while playing, if I'm frustrated with my performance knowing I can play better than I am, always saying to myself "wow I should have hit that shot". Obviously doing this won't help. Try to just play, don't over think anything. From my exp it'll just result in frustration.

My 2 cents.

I usually don't play that much, and i do agree that playing a lot may cause off days, as you called them.

So according to you, I could check for a pattern in my off days and maybe see where the problem is coming from? That does makes sense.

Also thanks for the other tips, appreciated.

Saltysally1Don't play too much in my experience playing all the time seems to reinforce bad habits.

As I said, I usually don't.

kirbyPlaying consistently makes you play consistently.

ya dig?

I dig, but how do you keep consistency in your consistency?

Thanks for the comments so far.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Consistency in Q/A Help

con·sis·tent adjective

: always acting or behaving in the same way

: of the same quality; especially : good each time

: continuing to happen or develop in the same way

So, how does one starts to be good each time, and to make it happen in the same way?

Sorry for trying to be funny, it probably wasn't. sorry
But jokes aside, I do believe consistency is one of the major hurdles that anyone who plays a game, and wants to improve, must overcome.
A great player can't have a 100% accuracy, one third of the time he plays. He needs to have 80% accuracy, all the time. At least

Unfortunately I can't tell that for experience, because I'm pretty terrible when compared to others. Some days I play pretty well, and feel confident with what I'm doing while playing. Other days I simply fail every single time when trying to do something in the same exact way I've once achieved it. At least in my mind it feels like it. Also this is a problem I've had in other competitive games, like trackmania, for example. Amazing runs one day, the very next day I only wanted to mash my head on the keyboard.

You could say that everyone has bad days, but this kind of things do happen quite often.
For the record, I have 4.3k hours invested in the game, and I feel almost ashamed at my skill level for that amount of hours.

So the big question is, how do pros keep consistency in their games? Does your mind set while playing influence it at all, or do you need to be "in the zone" to keep consistency, or do you never think of it at all?

Also in another note, kinda off-topic: HOENN CONFIRMED I love you all ♥

posted about 10 years ago
#32 DaHanG 2014 in Off Topic
ethermanaDuckyTorn Productions still using shitty songs.Sorry you're a European. Must be great to have songs like Barbie Girl, or, gee, all of Eurovision (minus ABBA).


Quick google search shows that the person who mixed the song(dead battery) is from Austria xD

420blaze it

posted about 11 years ago
#29 DaHanG 2014 in Off Topic

guise am i doin dis rite?

posted about 11 years ago