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Signed Up February 14, 2016
Last Posted April 26, 2020 at 5:17 PM
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#4 MR SLIN sings on TF2 grindcore song By Casual (EPI in Videos

thanks i unironically love it

posted about 4 years ago
#7 TF2 community leaders partner with BTS for 2020 event in News


we were too excited

posted about 5 years ago
#4 TF2 community leaders partner with BTS for 2020 event in News

we did it !

posted about 5 years ago
#2 BTSTF2 in LAN Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#45 i65 Thank You Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I'm gonna post this from the train before I convince myself not to so sorry for broad strokes and any missing people.

First off thank you once again to the TF2 community both at LAN and at home. It's a joy and an honour, albeit an occasionally stressful one, to make things for you.
Ascent + Ma3la + Uberchain thanks for having me at the bootcamp and being super lovely at all times. Amazing to meet you, NA boyes.
Congrats to se7en you're all great
Essentials Production thanks for having me. There were brilliant, confident, and skillful displays every day. You should be proud (you're also all ace)
Essentials Talent thanks for destroying your voices and taxing your brains for our enjoyment. There were some great games this year and I believe it's just the beginning of where you guys are taking TF2 (you're also all ace)
Teams cheers for putting up with my camera in your face and for putting out some sweet interview c o n t e n t.
Thanks to the many people who asked if I was eepily and I now demand a twitter follow from all of you in penance (lor_is)
I'm going to stop shy of listing everybody but thanks for hanging out with me.

Special mentions

doggo need I say more holy shit I love my team so dog damn much every damn one of you (and all of the eepily.cool mumble crew if you havent been on doggo YET)
Amy and zen for the sandwich and the dopest finger rock at LAN
gemm ily + thanks to Robbie for caring so damn much
Drhappiness + Kirsty gj gg wp make sure you take some rest time
Large mention to sirduck for being an editing machine and Mr jelly for being the best photographer in tf2
Sami, tom, eepily, lux, squirrel, cg, and Sami's parents for an awesome cool off last night and maybe a couple too many drinks. Definitely didn't have a little cry on the train.
(also squirrel sorry for blowing up your hard drive and emptying your bank account brother)

Final giga shout-out to cuppers for being my partner in crime all LAN and always pushing me to be more bold. I'm so proud of what we created.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Using Metal to improve TF2 performance on MacOS in Q/A Help

gemm when did you get so smart
you're like 40% hotter already

posted about 5 years ago
#25 Se7en documentary in TF2 General Discussion

Interviews were filmed in the UK a couple of months before I61 where everything was a little up in the air re: players. I would've loved to have had Starkie on this because he's a likeable chap with a big brain, but for whatever reason it wasn't to be.

If there's another video in the future I'll try and have the foresight to spread out the interview filming and try and get everybody's perspective for sure.

posted about 6 years ago
#80 OWL starting today in Esports

Any Londoners heading to Server in Shepherds Bush to watch the end of the finals tomorrow? Hearing it's gonna be a party.

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Hugs.tf 2018 Announcement in Projects

As a final update for Hugs.tf 2018:

We've uploaded most of the vods to this playlist. The last couple of vids will be up soon.

We're in the process of giving out the prizes from the raffle. You'll be contacted soon if you haven't been already!

And finally, I can announce that this year's final total was a fantastic £20,055.94, bringing our total raised so far to £42,000 for Special Effect!

I'm so, so thankful for everybody that donated, volunteered, hung out in chat, or otherwise contributed to this event. We wouldn't even try this nuts thing every year if we didn't genuinely love this community.

Thanks again, and see you next year.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 Released in Videos


Following a series of tweaks since its live debut at Rewind II, Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 has been officially released on Youtube. The soundtrack by Jeff "Pumodi" Brice has also been published via Bandcamp.



I would like to personally thank the entire Ready Up crew, especially it's figureheads Alex "Dashner" Pylyshyn & Ness "uberchain" Delacroix for their unending dedication to the project, Thank you for inviting me to be a part of what you both started, and for becoming firm friends in the interim.

Thank you to Anthony "Airon" Oetzmann for the long nights and last minute fixes, and to Lincoln "Shounic" Chiu for your unique graphic expertise that brought it all together.

And finally, this project would not have been possible without the support of Joshua "Geel" Coffey. Thank you for enabling the story to be told.

Shout out to my favourite game and community. I hope you enjoy!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Hugs.tf 2018 Announcement in Projects

Hugs.tf will be returning to screens on the 21st/22nd April 2018.


Hugs.tf is an annual charity live stream event by members of the European competitive Team Fortress 2 scene. Once again, we are raising money for the gamers charity, Special Effect - who bring inclusion back into the lives of people with disabilities by offering them customised methods of accessing technology.

Events this year include the fan favourite showmatches, alongside the return of the Joy of Painting creative section, and the biggest event in the competitive calendar - the World Championship of MGE X Chess. We’ll also be holding a range of talking events with our friends at Kritzkast, Essentials.tf, and the team behind Pirate Radio - all alongside our range of community figures.

This year we welcome roamer-extraordinaire Drackk, casting big-brain Nuze, and the master of hats Ceejaey to the sofa. They’ll be joining the usual crew at the home of hugs.tf from last year in West London. The full list of hugs.tf talent and crew can be found on our website.

Production is once again brought to you by Essentials.tf, with web work provided by Arrogant Pixel and BlackoutJon.

Donations will be opened one week before the event begins (14th April), and we’ll be announcing large events periodically until the event via our twitter page.

We hope to see you on our twitch channel over the weekend!

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Rewind Snapchats in LAN Discussion
Show Content
I'm up for a good ol' thread revival

sadloris. I'm just gonna post snaps of Sami posting her snaps for 7 days. Roll up, roll up.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Bootcamp LIVE by Cooler Master in Off Topic

we love you cm!

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Rewind II details revealed in News

ily wade
ily esa
ily everyone

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Cooler Master Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion

play of the game
ily cm

posted about 7 years ago
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