oh got i broke rule #7
"thou shalt not mention plus nor minus frags in his post, for he who does shall receive the minus frags of wrath"
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Last Posted | May 5, 2023 at 3:41 PM |
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oh got i broke rule #7
"thou shalt not mention plus nor minus frags in his post, for he who does shall receive the minus frags of wrath"
sonnyjaboyHere's one key thing to take note though. Do not stop caring about your sister and continue to establish communication with her. If there is one thing that is an incredibly shitty thing to do is to stop talking or feigning ignorance to someone who has autism. It will help her continue to improve on communication despite her disability and hone in on her critical thinking on ways to most effectively understand things.
where did this come from and what were you thinking when you wrote it
"ya we just found out my sibling has trouble with social queues im just gonna ignore her now"
ok breloom i posted that shit in mumble first i think i deserve reference +frags
also good to see why brad was the original amazing streamer
KhakiIf you can manage your depression without medication, you don't have a mental disorder
hyaha no shut the fuck up
phobiathe best thing to do is just not give a fuck about anything, i had social anxiety but i got over it because i don't really care what people say or think about me
"ya i had eating anxiety but now i just dont eat it works great"
can we leave the middle school out of this thread please, thanks
there is no easy answer or fix to this
it takes a long time, a lot of hard work and perseverance, most likely at least one professional and some therapy
the worst thing you can do is sit here and beat yourself up over it
go talk to the people you care about, tell them how you feel and let them know you need their support
good luck
lol i remember vect0r getting caught using the same thing
also cs cheater callout threads are always hilarious and quite common so im not sure what other games you could be talking about
choochooHow a normal community would handle this: "Who cares?"
How the TF2 community handles this: Callouts from and against some of the most representative members of the game irrelevant to ANYTHING because someone said MGE.
please tell me what wonderful competitive game you come from where people get caught cheating and nobody cares id love to play that game from time to time in fact i think id be really good at it all of the sudden with little to no practice
give med a weapon that destroys projectiles
oh god
can we have a stupid questions sticky where we answer the questions of newer players without shattering their self-esteem
actually no its really fun carry on
do you want it bad enough