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Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted May 5, 2023 at 3:41 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 209
#380 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

wait lmfao cevo p teams paid 40 bucks a head to play the online portion and if they somehow make it to gxl lan we have to pay against just to play out the finals theyre guarenteed a spot in ok whatevver


posted about 10 years ago
#22 #LookingForFriends in TF2 General Discussion

kl are u joking or what i dont get it

the 100% surefire way to never ever be good at this game or understand how it works is to listen to anything thief says

you are dooming yourself

get out while you still can

posted about 10 years ago
#3 pocket mentor in Mentoring

my friend and teammate is having trouble doing anything without taking 90% of the heals


anything you can do to help him would be appreciated as our teams morale is slipping and im not sure if we will be able to hold on to our place in ugc molybdneum

thanks in advance also i will pay u in hats just not nice ones maybe ask mangachu

posted about 10 years ago
#7 #LookingForFriends in TF2 General Discussion

24 hours on tf2 and friends with retards like thief


ya ok whatever

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Team Fortress 2 Hall of Fame? in TF2 General Discussion

lias if ur going to include players whos best season was getting cut after 8 games from a sub 500 team or people whos names u cant even spell properly i don think u should be listing players

posted about 10 years ago
#29 dflame scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

dflame maybe u and ur two gay dads should learn to rj or beat open teams with girls on them before spending 2 hours a night shit talking invite players who are gods compared to u but thats just me

posted about 10 years ago
#62 ESEA S17 Open Preview in News

i dont think id ever link open match stats after playing 12 seasons of mediocre open medic regardless of how i did

posted about 10 years ago
#139 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion

ill paraphrase his side of the story for you

"i was really bad and wanted attention and knew this was the only way id get it"

do u understand what happened now?

if not r/tf2 is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

posted about 10 years ago
#12 PSA Invite players in TF2 General Discussion
hitherecome on wood pig you can be way more mature than that

lmfao woodpig be more mature? lets take a closer look

arcticjoe - oh look how secretive i am i never play anything but scrims and have chinese name and if it wasnt for my fighting 10000 bots a day people would finally pick up on how many times i die to literally everything because i cant stop tunnelling
bape - haha man im so high 420 watch me play tf2mix all day and barely win while talking about the one decent game i had in IM with northstar LMFAO im such a good maincaller even though all i do is call people terrible and ask "how did we lose mid?"
dingo - watch me shave my globe of a head and tell pyro mains to kill themselves oh man i really wanted that gig as a double on american history x too busy i was fucking 2 years old did i mention im drunk off my parents wine and i hate that were rich
mason - 12 seasons later i can almost play medic and an invite level but rest assured im looking to cut the weakest link asap or just talk about how little i care or how bad everybody else is who beats me every season but rest assured ur the delusional ones
meb - i am a 30 year old with no car who is obsessed with kids games and dragon ball z. i also can't comprehend basic card games designed for 4 year olds.
mangachu - literally driven to tears daily by my stream but seeing as how its literally the only social stimulation i can get ill deal with the mental anguish of knowing that i will never understand sarcasm. also everybody likes my dad more than me and that secretly really makes me angry but i laugh it off

swap in serv0 and milo for two of them and maybe u have a top 5 team

what a bunch of retards

posted about 10 years ago
#81 Why do you still play tf2? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#111 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion

Physiological Basis of Motor Control[edit]
Motor Units[edit]
Daily tasks, for instance walking to the bathroom, talking one of your friends or eating the dinner all require multiple muscles that innervate body parts to move properly in order to complete specific tasks. Motor units that consist tens, hundreds or even thousands of motor nerves branches are connected to the muscles. In our body, Rectus femoris contains approximately 1 million muscles fibers which are controlled by around 1000 of motor nerves. Within one motor units which can categorized to type I (slow twitch) or Type II fibers (fast twitch), the composition type of the muscle fiber will be consistent (homogeneous); whereas within one muscle, there will be several different combination of two types of motor units (heterogeneous).[26]

There are three primary types of muscle fibers: Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb. As described above, Type I muscle fibers are known as slow twitch oxidative, Type IIa are fast twitch oxidative and Type IIb are fast twitch glycolytic. These three different types of fibers are specialized to have unique functionalities. Type I fibers are described as high endurance but low Force/Power/Speed production, Type IIb as low endurance but high Force/Power/Speed production and Type IIa fibers are characterized in between the two.


Nervous system organization
Motor units are multiple muscle fibers that are bundled together. When a person wants to move their body, in order to achieve a certain task, the brain instantly sends out an impulse signal that reaches the specific motor unit through the spinal cord. After receiving the signal from the brain, the motor unit contracts muscle fibers within the group thus creating movement. There is no partial firing in the motor unit, meaning, once the signal is detected, all the muscles fibers within the unit contract. However, there are different intensities. Since each motor unit contracts 100% of its fiber once stimulated, types of motor unit that generate different force or speed are significant.

Fiber Type—Contraction Speed—Time to Peak Power—Fatigue

I (slow twitch) -------slow--------------100 milliseconds--------slowly

IIA (fast twitch) -----fast-----------------50 milliseconds--------fast

IIB (fast twitch) -----very fast-----------25 milliseconds--------fast


posted about 10 years ago
#107 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion

ok hooli if u really wanna defend the weaboo who claims he can click his mouse 66 times a second thats fine too

posted about 10 years ago
#105 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion
wareyahow the fuck is how long you can hold down the +attack button a point of contention here

i can deliberately and accidentally hold it down for less than a single tick. it causes my client to think it shot then go back on the fact.

ya seeing has how ticks are 15 ms long and a "good" human reaction time would be 150 ms im sure that you are capable of twitching 10 times faster than a normal human being on a regular basis

go back to watching anime and putting schoolgirls in ur avatar

posted about 10 years ago
#67 fzero in Off Topic

can u walk me through why the first thing that came to ur mind after "burying two family members this week" was pming bape at 2 am the day after to tell him that he's

"the key to returning tf2.pug.na to its former glory"
"a worthless piece of shit for not having a college degree"
"a failure who lives in his parents upstairs basement" (where did u go to get a masters when u cant even think of the word attic lol)
"never gonna amount to anything, piece of shit, bad person, asshole douchebag"

also saying that your wife's name is "coke asshole"

if youre really attending funerals every other week i genuinely feel sorry, but with how much you consistently lie and contradict yourself (not just in the VOD but in general conversation, stories about yourself, "my wife is sitting right next to me," inability to even fucking explain what your job is) i have a really hard time believing any of what you say

but what do i know, you work in politics and have a masters degree- right?

youre definitely not a 30 year old divorced manchild who lets 17 year olds bring him to fucking tears

should i post the log of you begging bape to delete the recordings of this whole incident?

never come back

unless you want everybody in your little bubble of a community knowing what you do on the internet at 3 am every time you get DrUnK

peace dude

posted about 10 years ago
#33 ESEA Map Poll in TF2 General Discussion

ya we need more big ass maps with huge chokes that are miles apart so that the second anything even looks like its going wrong u can run away and spam

if you wipe on mid you deserve to lose the round i dont get where u get the idea that its ok to wipe on mid what the fuck

you entered a 6v6 fight and ur whole fucking team died

if they kept their medic while killing ur whhole fucking team they deserve to win the round


i enjoy playing granary on every class so whatever

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 209