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Signed Up December 21, 2012
Last Posted June 10, 2013 at 12:44 PM
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#10 killing, make an esea client for linux in TF2 General Discussion
Setsulmadcra7yHow about a Mac client first? Not gonna pay a shit-ton for a bootcamp partition of Windows just to play a game -_-You use an apple product, you should be used to paying a shit-ton for everything.

Yeah, because you know having a 4 year old Mac computer that runs better then any Windows PC I've ever owned for just as long I totally be used to paying a shit-ton for everything.

There are several reasons why I have a Mac, but the bottom line is that it would be a good business decision for ESEA to make both Mac and Linux Clients.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 killing, make an esea client for linux in TF2 General Discussion

How about a Mac client first? Not gonna pay a shit-ton for a bootcamp partition of Windows just to play a game -_-

posted about 11 years ago
#77 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion


I love the idea of ingame lobbies for highlander. It is better then throwing some noobs into a 6v6 lobby, imo.

I do not think ESEA needs to change shit. If Robin does not want to watch 6v6, so be it. This will not grow the game in any way we want it to grow.

This season is the best map pool, the largest, and the lobby news is awesome, why throw it all away just to get a few people interested in the game.

Why don't we just turn on random crits as well. Look at all the Pub players. Look at all of them playing in random crit servers. If we added random crits, they would come to us.

Essentially the mindset to change 6v6, just replace random crits with more unlocks.

It's like if the NBA league manager said, "You know what? These damn NBA rules are too strict... Look at all those kids playing basketball in the street, to grow the NBA we should just switch to their ruleset and we will grow!"

That's not saying that there isn't a place for random crits/ begger's bazooka/ Street ball, but that that place isn't part of a organized league.

Lets say they start a TFTV league with said rules... The line up would be 1 scout, 1 soldier, 2 demos, 2 meds. Maybe one med switches to scout/soldier if it is strategically viable. You are playing on Gpit, that new A/D map, Granary, badlands, Viaduct, ???, Turbine, ???

There is a valid argument about maybe taking a second look at some of the unlocks. And trying to find new ways to use what old unlocks we have, but to try and 'pubify' 6v6 would be a mistake. Robin, in the end, is just one game designer who needs one thing from you:$$$. I doubt he really cares what 6v6 is. Don't decide to screw around with the game just because he says so -_-

And I'll be honest here. I'm not even in open. I'm a roamer in UGC 6s who hopes to play open next season. Now this makes me a complete shitter right now, but I would hate to see this community go to hell before my first season in ESEA -_-

posted about 11 years ago
#30 carnage in TF2 General Discussion
drmtc"it's an extreme form of relaxation, for an equally extreme lifestyle..."


My thoughts exactly

posted about 11 years ago
#19 is clockwork has stream? in TF2 General Discussion
Protatounfis alyka has down syndrome?


Aaaaannnnnnnd that was a little too far.

Just like Unf on mid


posted about 11 years ago
#75 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events

Oh fuck it. Good match and Valve done fucked it up :(

posted about 11 years ago
#143 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion
2cinb4 staged shit

WTF did I just watch

posted about 11 years ago
#63 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events
AznBoizAawwww the old casters isn't gonna cast this match :c Though I never know why Star got interested in 6s, imo he is more of a HL caster for me.

I don't actually mind him as a caster... I find his Youtube videos grating tho.

As long as he has someone who is more experienced in 6v6 cocasting he is fine. Not better the Cbear and bloodsire, but okay.

posted about 11 years ago
#57 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events


HRg 5, Mix^ 0

Actually no, Enigma will take one round.

HRG 5, Mix^ 1

posted about 11 years ago
#15 ESEA-Invite: Top Guns vs. r5 in Events
CondescendingCandlestickcagemadcra7yHopefully this isn't a roll like last night_good time to use the spoiler thingy
I hadn't watched it yet C:
It's really not a good game

Yeah. It wasnt really worth watching. Next time Ill use spoiler tags tho

posted about 11 years ago
#10 ESEA-Invite: Top Guns vs. r5 in Events

Hopefully this isn't a roll like last night_

posted about 11 years ago
#160 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Jasenigmathere is a very fundamental problem with highlander that I don't think the valve team has acknowledged:

it requires 18 players.

it's going to be a logistical nightmare to organize that many people in an automated matchmaking setting on top of the strict highlander constraints (1 of each class).
This needs to be repeated more.

I remember when I played L4D1/2 that even getting 8 players together in a matchmaking system was a nightmare. Now this was a few years ago when Valve first introduced matchmaking and maybe they've improved (from my recent experience with MvM, not really).

There are a lot of people in the pub community who don't want to play anything except for 1 or 2 classes. So trying to find 9 different classes twice, just to have 2 teams be able to compete is going to be very difficult, even more so if you're not from the US.

This is something that we can't control. Saying, "Valve will fuck up" is easy, but we don't know that yet.

Also, look at tf2lobby. Shitty example, granted, but they manage to get people playing and I see a official TF2 lobby system working the same and filling tf2lobby's place, basic matchmaking that gives pubbers the message that 12v12 is not the only way to play the game. I think you would be surprised by how much of a difforence that would make.

Right now Valve rarely even mentions ANY form of comp TF2. If players were told that it is out there, I believe many people would go out looking for it. We might see a main division of ESEA. Maybe the influx of people would put us on the ESEA higher up's radar. Who knows.

If you don't like it, don't play it. If you do, do so. In fact, that is probably the best way to about it, play with the 'pubbers' who would use the system and help them figure the comp side out. Give them advice, resources, etc. But nothing is forced upon you. Valve is not trying to draw players but rather will be pushing them to the community.

posted about 11 years ago
#151 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
AoshimaEven if the introduction of a lobby HL lobby system doesn't get people into competetive, I would /very/ much be happy to have it included, because it'd let me pub in a more structured and fun format.

I love 6s a lot, it's the most fun format to watch in my opinion, but HL is also a worthy format, as well.

Baby steps.

This too. Anyone remember the days when you could go into a pub and maybe have a good time?

This might help bring back those days. Go into tf2, go into a lobby, and just goof off. Don't care about winning, just shoot some nerds dammit.

Meh, just my 2cents. I think it is a move forward. Would love a 6v6 lobby option, but we can only ask for so much.

posted about 11 years ago
#128 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion


I totally understand why Valve wants to do a highlander lobby system over a 6v6 system. You'll bitching about it is making me crazy. Simply put, highlander is much easier to understand and sit down and play. You can hate UGC or highlander as a format (I don't, it can be pretty damn fun if you make it so), but realize that it is much easier on the new player and much closer to what they are used to.

Realize that this is great for the community. People will play some lobbies, starting to search for "highlander tf2 strategies" or "competitive tf2 strategies". Suddenly they will find sites like this, ugc, etc and will be introduced to true comp tf2. Be honest with your self, if Valve suddenly released a 6v6 lobby system, would you play that or the same pugs you normally play? This would never really be the place for competitive players to play, but will consistently grow the comp tf2 community.

Obviously, some might argue that the type of people who find comp TF2 through this is just pub noobs who we don't want to join the community. If so, this may be valid. But we need to grow the scene if it will continue to survive. This is a 6 year old game that still has a strongish comp community.

posted about 11 years ago
#63 Best medic in whole TF2 universe in TF2 General Discussion
Goatguys guys... its clearly Agron, best strats ever
also he was pretty beast anyway.

I only hope he can control the flank and control the universe

Edit: The answer is Shade.

posted about 11 years ago
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