indecencyjeffso apparently pwr rangers r dead
4:02 PM - kobe :): team is ded
4:03 PM - yao guai: rip
4:03 PM - yao guai: did wpj say
4:17 PM - kobe :) is now Online.
4:18 PM - kobe :): Yeah he also said no playoff game
4:18 PM - yao guai: why
4:18 PM - kobe :): Because whats the point if noone wants to play next season
4:18 PM - yao guai: wtf
4:18 PM - yao guai: thats a silly reason
4:18 PM - yao guai: if you payed money to play the season
4:19 PM - yao guai: then play
4:19 PM - yao guai: like
4:19 PM - yao guai: why
4:19 PM - kobe :): idk you can ask him bout it
rip anyone on that team who actually played to win and get to IM