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Last Posted September 7, 2020 at 12:25 PM
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#100 why dafuqwizat didn't cheat: in TF2 General Discussion

it's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows

posted about 4 years ago
#97 why dafuqwizat didn't cheat: in TF2 General Discussion
SasamiHoly fuck this is getting more pathetic by the minute, what's up with all these people flocking here in defense of Wizat, every single one of them with a weaker reason than the previous one as to why he should be unbanned
He's been banned from playing on 1 (one) site for 1 (one) year because of cheating, from the comments of Magister, sprite and jedi it would almost seem as if Wizat was about to be sent to Jail for life, holy shit

If the decision is not right and the punishment is not jail, then there's no reason to write and prove anything right?

posted about 4 years ago
#92 why dafuqwizat didn't cheat: in TF2 General Discussion

Guys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.

posted about 4 years ago
#7676 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#10603 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#6406 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
phosmagistrphosmagistrphosmagistrYo guys, how can I exactly replace this class panel on top from one's hud to another one?

Need to change the colors and fonts too.

how do i change colors and fonts?
you want to change the panel from peachhud to m0rehud or m0rehud to peachhud?

Yeah, I want to take the panel from peachhud and put it into m0rehud

Here, I make it can work in m0rehud, just download it and replace the hudmatchstatus.res in
m0rehud-master/resource/ui to it and it should be working.

Because Peachhud's status is more complex compare to other huds, so I just edit one for you.
Sorry, I can't tell you how to edit yourself because my lack of language.

Damn, thank you so much man, really appreciate it

posted about 4 years ago
#6404 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
phosmagistrphosmagistrYo guys, how can I exactly replace this class panel on top from one's hud to another one?

Need to change the colors and fonts too.

how do i change colors and fonts?
you want to change the panel from peachhud to m0rehud or m0rehud to peachhud?

Yeah, I want to take the panel from peachhud and put it into m0rehud

posted about 4 years ago
#6402 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
phosmagistrYo guys, how can I exactly replace this class panel on top from one's hud to another one?

Need to change the colors and fonts too.

how do i change colors and fonts?

posted about 4 years ago
#6400 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Yo guys, how can I exactly replace this class panel on top from one's hud to another one?

posted about 4 years ago
#1 stream request in Requests

name: magistr
country: Russia

posted about 5 years ago
#5994 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

yo, how can I move one killfeed into another hud?
For example I want to use m0re's hud killfeed in Olgha's hud

posted about 5 years ago
#2 help russians to get to lan in TF2 General Discussion

Help boys, they deserve it

posted about 6 years ago
#13 ETF2L S31 Low GF: boshy+5 vs Vague in Events

ez for Boshy

posted about 6 years ago