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Signed Up January 20, 2019
Last Posted October 7, 2019 at 6:22 PM
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#183 Best tf2 player of all time in TF2 General Discussion

Overall W/L: 3.84
LAN W/L: 2.5
Championships: 9 (2nd: 4)
Playoff appearances: 15

*Can ctap consistently ✔
*Central piece in team building and leading ✔
*Platinum and the Mixup guys used to say he was pretty fucking good ✔
*Top damages invariably when playing soldier, also did so notably in the past, as demo ✔
*Been widely considered to be at the top 3 in the world at Scout, Demo and Soldier ✔

*IMO Clockwork is undeniably the best scout, but b4nny is not as far from him as most people think. On the original Froyo it always bothered me that casters would talk about Clock's dpm and not notice at all that often b4nny had similar dpm and CONSTANTLY a amazing kdr - if my memory doesn't fail me, once banny had a 4kdr and the casters made no mention of it.

I'm too lazy to look for vods right now, but the first one I clicked actually already had b4nny with a better kdr and dpm than that of clock:


Overall W/L: 1.76
LAN W/L: 1.21
Championships: 4 (2nd: 5)
Playoff Appearances: 13

I don't think any fair comparison whatsoever can not have b4nny at least in the top 3.

sup b4nny, shilling yourself bro? quite pathetic sir.

posted about 5 years ago
#22 tf2 frequent lag spikes in Q/A Help


posted about 6 years ago