Account Details
SteamID64 76561198002162584
SteamID3 [U:1:41896856]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:20948428
Country Korea, Republic of
Signed Up September 15, 2012
Last Posted July 20, 2020 at 12:03 AM
Posts 1551 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Keyboard Poker 2 MX Clears
Mousepad PureTrak Talent Stealth
Headphones Fostex T50RP
Monitor BenQ XL2420TE
1 ⋅⋅ 99 100 101 102
#11 Thanks, enigma! + suggestion to people using TF.TV in TF2 General Discussion
TurboliciousDoes unblocking the ad actually make a difference? I feel like the ad revenue will either go by ad clicks or hosted page views.

enigma would have to comment on that; for all I know it could be both for different ads (probably not). But I imagine every little bit will help.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Thanks, enigma! + suggestion to people using TF.TV in TF2 General Discussion

If it's worth something, enigma didn't want to hang out with me IRL because (and I quote), "Have to wrap up some tftv stuff". Serious dedication, folks, to make it easier for all of us to drama all around.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Post a link to your youtube channel in Off Topic

On that channel I'm posting vids of ESEA-Open pocket soldier and UGC HL Steel sniper play (me), music production, dance practice and design review of other games. And probably some other TF2 related stuff like roundtables/interviews and demo reviews. I haven't put up any recent videos (I have two HL scrims on there) due to moving and adjusting my OBS settings.

In another note, maybe enigma should support having YouTube links somewhere in addition to links? Not necessarily under a section like Live Streams but somewhere still accessible.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Thanks, enigma! + suggestion to people using TF.TV in TF2 General Discussion
vanillaIs there a way to disable adblocker on just this site?

I specifically use Adblocker Plus on Chrome and the ABP icon appears in the URL bar. If you click it while on TF.TV there's a checkbox that says "Enabled for this site". Just uncheck that. Most adblockers (if not all the major ones at least) will have a whitelist option where you can manually add to it. I've only used ABP so I can't speak on specifics.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Streamers: Opinion on Adblockers? in TF2 General Discussion
TomWaitsEvery time I turn on a stream I get at least one commercial. I don't know if the streamer is choosing the ads, but they are there.

Occasionally Twitch will run ads. If a streamer runs ads (from my experience) it's manually triggered.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Thanks, enigma! + suggestion to people using TF.TV in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks a bunch, enigma, your work on this site is pretty ridiculous and awesome and is, more or less, the forefront of the Team Fortress 2 competitive community right now. The redesign looks fantastic.

A note to everyone else on this site: TURN OFF YOUR ADBLOCKER! If you use one, you might notice a giant blank spot next to the TF2 content features banner. That's where the ad is. Hosting and managing this kind of site is not an easy feat, and it's on enigma's bill (before donations). One way to help is to let the ad run.

Another way (and perhaps more direct) is to subscribe to (the stream page of TeamFortress.TV It's $4.99 a month; the button is right below the video player. A very minor thing you can also do is to create a shortened URL (using a service like or otherwise) to the TF.TV link of your stream (the one that embeds the Twitch video player in the TF.TV page; all still linked to

Again, thanks to enigma. You've not only created a fantastic piece of thing for TF2 competitive; you've also united us under one front.

Edit: TF.TV also has an IRC channel: #tftv @ Come by and idle. Maybe some day people will talk in it. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#2 ESEA writeups in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry, could you link what kind of articles you mean? Do you mean something similar to the TF.TV Open Power Rankings that breloom/conductor just wrote ( or the ESEA Predictions (

posted about 12 years ago
#31 Learning Java in Off Topic
2cKaeyelI've heard C++ is being phased out in favor of C#...
c# and obj-c are completely dif than c++ which is essentially c crammed with objectoriented stuff and different guidelines for proper use

c++ was phased out by java because its simpler and most programming doesnt require performance benefits of c++. c# was a response to java's rise in popularity, they're both verbose oop languages that removed the need for memory management

c++ is used for game engines and similar performance demanding projects

obj-c popularity is solely from iphone apps

i tried to answer everything hope this helps at the end of the day at nonserious level it doesnt really matter which one you pick

Actually, your point about Objective-C being far away from C++ isn't necessarily always true, mainly because of how Objective-C was built as well as the Cocoa API from Apple. You can use as much C++ as you want/need, but you don't need to, all the time. However there are instances where you would want to port C++ codebases to a portable device and layer Objective-C on top for the UI.

MR_SLINi'm signed up for a java course this java the best one to learn? i'm a business major not a programmer.

I like omp's response to your question. If you're learning programming, it's fine as an introduction language, but ultimately, to get the job done, you use whatever language fits the bill. Java's main use in "the real world" is most likely on banking systems. If it's a different use AND you're doing from scratch, there are plenty of other languages that are most likely suited for it.

DavyCHey, next year September i'm going to start taking a CompSci course. Can someone point me to a good program that could teach me Java? I figure I should get a head start. Thanks!

What kind of topic is this course teaching? If it's Java, it sounds like it will be data structures and algorithms. I can't find the textbook I used on Amazon but if I do, I'll be sure to link it, as it was quite good.

posted about 12 years ago
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