Account Details
SteamID64 76561198037509122
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:38621697
Country United States
Signed Up October 29, 2014
Last Posted January 3, 2025 at 8:01 PM
Posts 2447 (0.7 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.4/3
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper V3 Pro
Keyboard Unikorn 60
Mousepad LGG Saturn Pro
Headphones Sennheiser 6XX
Monitor LG 34"
1 ⋅⋅ 154 155 156 157 158
#45 Staff Recruitment in TF2 General Discussion

I'd be making a debut casting live but i've shoutcasted a few demos with buddies over the last few years, availability fits, i do have a quality microphone and I've had my voice described as "rather buttery." I've been playing the game competitively for about three years and a total of around 6 casually, I've also kept up with almost every competitive match in the last year that was streamed on

posted about 8 years ago
#41 TF2 ranked higher then Overwatch in TF2 General Discussion

i like them both, primarily because tf2 drilled brainless aim into my head and i enjoy it. I do wish blizzard would stop sticking their action figures in well lit videos that have zero relation to the game, though.

posted about 8 years ago
#72 Tip of the Hats 2016 announced in News
the301stspartanCitroMaindPyxelizeI softly invited the overwatch community to participate

not really sure why you would do that BUT OK

Because more money for kids with cancer?

yeah this mostly

posted about 8 years ago
#61 Tip of the Hats 2016 announced in News

I softly invited the overwatch community to participate


posted about 8 years ago
#147 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
phoroforPyxelizephoroforPyxelizephoroforvibhavpphoroformphorofor"hey ronin management, it wasn't that great to be sponsored with you guys, but you tried. goodbye forever".
next time one of u bleeding heart tf2 mains wonders why sponsors stay away from tf2 ill refer u to this
That was after I was told I was cut, and if you really look at what that sponsorship did for us it was just for a t-shirt and mouse pad. The i58 part doesn't matter now so I benefited nothing with ronin.

doesn't justify treating your sponsors like shit, the elevate sponsorship was similar, yet they left on good terms (according to TheFragile)
At this point it doesn't really matter, me ever playing on another good team in tf2 is pretty much dead over this retarded thing. Even if I didnt act like a total idiot it wouldn't have changed anything.

People would likely have a little more respect for you if you hadn't been a dick to a sponsor who didn't even have to sponsor you. If you truly feel its retarded, maybe you and rando could've had the damn discussion about trying to fix it or at least lay off his eGirl.
His? Rando is definitely getting seconds, I'd like to make it clear here that I got cucked by Rando which created drama between us then because of that created drama from Rando I got cut because of it.
It really doesn't matter who cucked who, you both should realize how realistically unimportant that one girl who one of you hasn't met and one of you has ONCE is. You shouldn't let stupid shit drive good teammates apart. I was really fucking excited for ronin this season and I'm sure there are thousands of others that were looking forward to it too.
I was willing to put it behind me, if I wasn't at work I would show you chat logs 15 minutes before I got cut. We never actually scrimmed to see if what they thought would happen would actually happen

pastebin them and link them when you get home

posted about 8 years ago
#145 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster

someone just messaged me this on steam

posted about 8 years ago
#141 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
phoroforPyxelizephoroforvibhavpphoroformphorofor"hey ronin management, it wasn't that great to be sponsored with you guys, but you tried. goodbye forever".
next time one of u bleeding heart tf2 mains wonders why sponsors stay away from tf2 ill refer u to this
That was after I was told I was cut, and if you really look at what that sponsorship did for us it was just for a t-shirt and mouse pad. The i58 part doesn't matter now so I benefited nothing with ronin.

doesn't justify treating your sponsors like shit, the elevate sponsorship was similar, yet they left on good terms (according to TheFragile)
At this point it doesn't really matter, me ever playing on another good team in tf2 is pretty much dead over this retarded thing. Even if I didnt act like a total idiot it wouldn't have changed anything.

People would likely have a little more respect for you if you hadn't been a dick to a sponsor who didn't even have to sponsor you. If you truly feel its retarded, maybe you and rando could've had the damn discussion about trying to fix it or at least lay off his eGirl.
His? Rando is definitely getting seconds, I'd like to make it clear here that I got cucked by Rando which created drama between us then because of that created drama from Rando I got cut because of it.

It really doesn't matter who cucked who, you both should realize how realistically unimportant that one girl who one of you hasn't met and one of you has ONCE is. You shouldn't let stupid shit drive good teammates apart. I was really fucking excited for ronin this season and I'm sure there are thousands of others that were looking forward to it too.

posted about 8 years ago
#135 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
phoroforvibhavpphoroformphorofor"hey ronin management, it wasn't that great to be sponsored with you guys, but you tried. goodbye forever".
next time one of u bleeding heart tf2 mains wonders why sponsors stay away from tf2 ill refer u to this
That was after I was told I was cut, and if you really look at what that sponsorship did for us it was just for a t-shirt and mouse pad. The i58 part doesn't matter now so I benefited nothing with ronin.

doesn't justify treating your sponsors like shit, the elevate sponsorship was similar, yet they left on good terms (according to TheFragile)
At this point it doesn't really matter, me ever playing on another good team in tf2 is pretty much dead over this retarded thing. Even if I didnt act like a total idiot it wouldn't have changed anything.

People would likely have a little more respect for you if you hadn't been a dick to a sponsor who didn't even have to sponsor you. If you truly feel its retarded, maybe you and rando could've had the damn discussion about trying to fix it or at least lay off his eGirl.

posted about 8 years ago
#129 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
phoroformphorofor"hey ronin management, it wasn't that great to be sponsored with you guys, but you tried. goodbye forever".
next time one of u bleeding heart tf2 mains wonders why sponsors stay away from tf2 ill refer u to this
That was after I was told I was cut, and if you really look at what that sponsorship did for us it was just for a t-shirt and mouse pad. The i58 part doesn't matter now so I benefited nothing with ronin.

the last iSeries lan you weren't ON the team nor were you sponsored, you don't get to receive any of the benefits you would've received now. And don't act as though a sponsor paying for an entire fucking team to go to Europe for a TF2 LAN isn't a good benefit.

posted about 8 years ago
#122 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster

Neither rando or phorofor handled the situation well at all. phorofor being rude with the team's sponsor was very immature, and neither of you should've let some fucking twitter girl get between a literal top team in an unarguably small game, which the rest of us are trying to make large. You all got lucky with a fucking esports sponsor and you're setting such a shit example for people coming into tf2. Not to mention that this, realistically, is going to lose you your sponsor because nobody wants to be associated with things like this. Come on, dudes, be a little mature.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 lf high open scout sub asap in Recruitment (looking for players)
Mojo_da_KiddI dont think dishsoap is high open

let's not forget why you didn't make my team lol

Having scrimmed Dom's team, and having played with Dom in previous seasons, this is a solid team, I would recommend them as consideration to scouts this season. GL!

posted about 8 years ago
#32 A team frag movie for eNERD's open debut in Videos
btw are these frags from lobbies?

no they're all from scrims

posted about 8 years ago
#31 A team frag movie for eNERD's open debut in Videos

some shit:

- this isn't the intended song for the actual video, it was just silly and I enjoyed using it.

- these are 3 demos that I had, all we have are scrim clips and team hasn't sent demos to me yet

- smoothing is happening

- i DID sync parts of the song, the song was just consistent and awkward to listen to, sorry for the shit kazoo versions of undertale music

- I'm still excited about the project, I apologize for the 46 second preview made in less than a day.

- It's already coming along 100x better than this preview is

- I would very much like to fix the title, as it doesn't mention that it's a trailer

posted about 8 years ago
#27 A team frag movie for eNERD's open debut in Videos
STOGEPyxelizetfw people downvote a video purely based on the fact that the season hasn't started yet when i literally just wanted feedback


Feedback on what? The editing?

-There was no sync on the frags with the music, which is the main thing that there'd be to focus on with a fragmovie.

-No clip to clip transitions through smooths or anything which is another big thing for fragmovies.

-The music was awful.

My feedback take it how you like

thank you

posted about 8 years ago
#24 A team frag movie for eNERD's open debut in Videos
gusok i thought that i wanted to sub this season but if its for this team im leaving the roster

ЯK! gus: ur cringy on tftv im not subbing for ur team and im removing you and snekay
ЯK! gus: sneaky*
ЯK! gus is now Offline.

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 154 155 156 157 158