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Last Posted May 30, 2018 at 8:06 PM
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#5324 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Yupdid you fix it? i have the same problem :(

Honestly it feels like it's a default hud problem, since in my occasion the hud files that are responsible for summary scoreboard are default

what would cause my itemmodelpanel to act this way (image/trade after text)

also, hud name please?

posted about 6 years ago
#5308 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
and i have another question

first picture is team status display on, second is off. then how can i using second when i team status display on?
if it's impossible, how can i turn off bg colors in first pic?

To edit the panel on the first screenshot you need to edit HudRoundCounter.res file

About your question on how to use such timers with team status display ON, I can only give you one advice. In some of your HUD files you might see stuff like this (example from my hud):

        "ControlName"        "CExLabel"
        "fieldName"                "ServerTimeLimitLabel"
        "xpos"                        "c-40"
        "ypos"                        "30"
        "zpos"                        "-1"
        "wide"                        "80"
        "tall"                        "20"
        "visible"                "1"
        "enabled"                "1"
        "labelText"                "%servertimeleft%"
        "textAlignment"                "center"
        "font"                        "Medium9"
        "fgcolor"				"White"

        "ypos"                  "39"

The if_match condition works if you use the team status display ON (tf_use_match_hud 1 option). So here with tf_use_match_hud 1 the 'ypos' for this ServerTimeLimitLabel object will be 39, and with tf_use_match_hud 0 it will be 30. So to use such fonts/backgrounds for the timers like on ur 2nd screenshot, you need to include those "font" and "bgcolor" lines under if_match {...} condition. Hopefully you'll get what I wanted to say! If not, contact me on steam and I'll help you out.

posted about 6 years ago
#5301 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
phoxmartinhrtphoxhow can i edit team status display? i want move it to down but i can't fine what res file is it.
You mean the dialog which appears when you want to change the team status/name by pressing F4? Then it's HudTournamentSetup.res

If you mean the panels in tournament mode (like on the picture), then you need to edit HudTournament.res

i mean team status using tf_use_match_hud 1

Then you need to check the HudMatchStatus.res file and edit the "TeamStatus" block in it

WackyfireballI'm trying to use the hud achievement tracker method for a crosshair (this one) . It works once I set the achievement to be tracked in-game except once I restart the game the achievement isn't being tracked any more. how do I keep it tracked between sessions?
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martinhrtThe summary scoreboard in casual is initially broken - all elements are bunched up in the same x position, but after the first time the scoreboard appears, it works fine. Is it a problem of the default HUD, or there's a fix?

Also, the class icons in scoreboard are stretched vertically, but the hud reload fixes the problem. Is there a fix anyways? (don't mind the catbots, the class icons are stretched anyways)

Also what hud is the in game scoreboard from?

It's yahud CX

posted about 6 years ago
#5294 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
phoxhow can i edit team status display? i want move it to down but i can't fine what res file is it.

You mean the dialog which appears when you want to change the team status/name by pressing F4? Then it's HudTournamentSetup.res

If you mean the panels in tournament mode (like on the picture), then you need to edit HudTournament.res

posted about 6 years ago
#5293 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

The summary scoreboard in casual is initially broken - all elements are bunched up in the same x position, but after the first time the scoreboard appears, it works fine. Is it a problem of the default HUD, or there's a fix?

Also, the class icons in scoreboard are stretched vertically, but the hud reload fixes the problem. Is there a fix anyways? (don't mind the catbots, the class icons are stretched anyways)

posted about 6 years ago
#4938 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
HypnotizebLaIn the main menu, how do I edit the "Find a game" button and the "Queued for casual" panel?
Thanks in advance

Both the Find a game button and Queue for casual panel are inside the MatchmakingDashboard file
bLa Additionally, what elements control the dialogues that pop up when you click the "disconnect/quit" button, as well as the XP bar at the end of a casual game?
i think its ConfirmDialog.res and the xp bar is PvPRankPanel (the if_mini stuff)

check this if you don't need how to get the confirm file:
omniYou need to put these 2 files into resource/ui/econ. They're not in the standard tf folders, they're actually in the hl2 folders.


I think the one you're specifically after is confirmdialog.res, but having messageboxdialog.res is just as useful because they're basically the same.

Can you tell me which file represents the gamemodes list, maps list and tick boxes in casual panel? Thank you

Edit: it's matchmakingcategorymappanel.res in resource/ui.

posted about 7 years ago
#4913 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Hello, got a couple of questions:
How to change casual badges' icons sizes in scoreboard?
Which file represents summary scoreboard at the end of the casual match?

posted about 7 years ago
#4854 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
VouriaurahVouri is not working i have double checked everything

have you typed tf_hud_showservertimelimit 1 into the console or executed file?
If you did, you should check the servertimelimitlabel part in resource/ui/hudobjectivetimepanel.res
Here's what it looks like in my HUD and it works:

        "ControlName"        "CExLabel"
        "fieldName"                "ServerTimeLimitLabel"
        "xpos"                        "c-40"
        "ypos"                        "30"
        "zpos"                        "-1"
        "wide"                        "80"
        "tall"                        "20"
        "visible"                "1"
        "enabled"                "1"
        "labelText"                "%servertimeleft%"
        "textAlignment"                "center"
        "font"                        "Medium9" // my custom font, you should replace it with the one that your HUD contains

        "fgcolor"				"White"

		if_match // to hide it in casual
			"wide"			"0"
			"visible"		"0"
posted about 7 years ago
#4852 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Got a couple more questions,

1) Which HUD contains the uber effect meter like on this video? Woolen doesn't release it but it's originally some version of yaHUD, probably someone knows?

2) My main menu is default (gamemenu.res and mainmenuoverrides.res are removed) but there are little black-ish bars of different thinkness between the buttons (marked in bottom right). What should I look into in clientscheme (?) to try and fix it? Thanks!

posted about 7 years ago
#4845 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Wiethoofd@martinhrt, it's the borders in ClientScheme.res which get a different image defined, the CX has an override/custom image where the right half of the image is transparent, so it looks nice in the playerpanels in HudTournament.res (also blue/red should be inconsistent there) where that same image is also in blue available for CMYK.

Borders to look at: TFFatLineBorderBlueBG & TFFatLineBorderRedBG and the images they reference.

thank you so much for your detailed anwer, now it's similar to CMYK version for me, but is it possible to make both blu and red boxes semi-transparent?

posted about 7 years ago
#4836 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

A problem with tournament ready mode in Yahud CX, the player boxes are not filled up completely on one of the teams (1st pic), but on the very similar Yahud CMYK there's no such problem (2nd pic). What file should I look into to fix the problem?

posted about 7 years ago
#4599 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Wiethoofdmaniacaltf2 crashes right before the hud can show the scores at the end of a casual match, which means no elo and I have to restart the game all over again. any idea how to fix this problem?Update hudanimations_tf or convert to a hudanimations_manifest setup. (You still get your ELO btw, just doesn't show the end of round animation)

martinhrtHow to install a custom time panel for casual or competitive matchmaking into my hud, something like on the picture? Which file is that and what should be done for it to work, also where is it located? Thanks
HudMatchStatus.res for the timer and player panels in MM

sugoi_boi_1345How do I fix missing main menu buttons?
Where can I edit the timer at the top? (On the red bg)
resource/GameMenu.res + resource/ui/MainMenuOverride.res for your main menu buttons
Timer & BG are in HudObjectiveTimePanel.res

HudMatchStatus.res doesn't affect the timer panel itself (the rectangular one with blue, red and black boxes and black points circles, to be exact), unfortunately. I removed the hudmatchstatus.res file from that hud (that DOES have the custom panel) and the panel was still there. Probably these are the vtf/vmf files that make the difference?

posted about 7 years ago
#4570 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

How to install a custom time panel for casual or competitive matchmaking into my hud, something like on the picture? Which file is that and what should be done for it to work, also where is it located? Thanks

posted about 7 years ago