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Signed Up August 8, 2017
Last Posted February 20, 2025 at 10:10 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ⋅⋅ 104
#628 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
ScrambledI sort of feel like the command that lets you see shadows through walls should be in the compquality cfg

r_shadowrendertotexture 1

It is in the config.

smesiit looks like i get overall better fps on dx81 although i could be wrong since idk much about comparing benchmarks so

You do get better FPS, probably because of your bad graphics card, but you should also play a while with dx9 and dx8 because average FPS is only part of the story. See which one feels smoother and has less stutter. If that is dx8 for you, then use it, but if not, I would sacrifice those few extra frames for more stability.

posted about 7 years ago
#625 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
smesido you know if skins / warpaints affect fps at all?
because i benchmarked ur config with dx90 and dx81 a few days ago and appareantly and they both had the exact same results, but i feel like i get less fps in dx9
i used the old "benchmark1" demo which is quite old and doesnt show any war paints or skins in that demo cuz they didnt exist back then

DirectX 9 is much more efficient renderer that uses your graphics card more effectively. And about skins, they shouldn't affect FPS too much except for the initial generation.

I've made a very basic new benchmark that should be better at testing FPS on modern TF2 for now.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Dota 2 update in Other Games
Purge made a 9h First imperssion

Edit: I though this was for 7.07 LOL

Don't worry, he made a 10h first impressions video for 7.07.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 200 ping in server in Q/A Help

What does net_graph 4 look like?

posted about 7 years ago
#623 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
AbridgeIs there a way to use your max performance cfg but not have the game so dark. I hate it being so dark in certain areas and I don't like how the transition on lighting is non-existent. Real picky request but what console commands would brighten up the world so that lighting isn't so drastic.

r_worldlightmin 0.004

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Winger Firing Sound Customization? in Customization
viperi’m probably in the minority but i kinda like the new winger sound

me too

posted about 7 years ago
#621 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
VantavimeowI've having random sounds not play such as deflects or gunshots and I think it's because of async audio. Running from an SSD btw.

I'm currently investigating possible fixes to this issue, with some work on it done in 5.0.0.

5.0.0 released with revamped folder structure, formatting improvements, comment improvements, sound fixes, performance optimizations and new stripped quality addon.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Winger Firing Sound Customization? in Customization

download game_sounds_weapons.txt

put it here: tf/custom/<custom_folder>/scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt

open it, go to this line

modify "wave" for Weapon_Winger.Single to ")weapons/pistol_shoot.wav"

and "wave" for Weapon_Winger.SingleCrit to ")weapons/pistol_shoot_crit.wav"

posted about 7 years ago
#618 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
DulZuroI have 2 possible recommendations for the config.

1) Maybe move info about dxlevel launch options to where the mat_dxlevel options are and specify that you need both to effectively change the dxlevel. It seems kind of confusing how it is at the moment. I.E: Someone may just change to the mat_dxlevel 90 option and not realize they need to add and then remove the dxlevel launch option to completely change over.

2) Maybe have the exec custom uncommented by default? I think it would be much nicer for people updating the config to be able to just copy paste/drag drop and not worry about having to change it every time. It isn't particularly difficult to change it, but just a bit nicer not to have to. That or maybe having autoexec removed and just having people execute themselves in their own autoexec? IDK, I just feel that it's easier to maintain for users that way.

Thank you for the suggestions.

1) I will add a note to check the top of the config in the init section and installation instructions. I want it at the top of comfig so it is more likely for people to see they need to change -dxlevel and mat_dxlevel.

2) I'll have to think a bit more about how a better exec system would be implemented to solve this issue.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 TF2, The Elusive Esport in TF2 General Discussion

I'm sure Valve knows they should make TF2 into an esport, I just hope they execute it well.

posted about 7 years ago
#613 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
lootI notice some servers lately blocking cl_interp_ratio 2 (always stays at 1 when you try to change it) so I've had to go back to using cl_interp when I want to change lerp, can anybody else confirm this?

Not sure what's there to confirm, if you can't change cl_interp_ratio while in spectating, then the server is restricting it and you'll have to use cl_interp.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Bad Internet? in Off Topic
lootrate 170016 is pointless because virtually every server limits it to a max of 100000

How is it pointless if it works? The default is unlimited, so on a lot of servers, it will use 170016. If a server does happen to limit it, then it will be set to 100000. I don't see the problem.

lootcl_smooth is preference and makes no difference on network performance

It still affects network feel and gets rid of some stutters/jumping view from incorrect client prediction.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Audio issues after recent updates in Q/A Help

Are you using the -primarysound -snoforceformat launch options?

Also, you can try raising your snd_mixahead cvar to 0.08 or 0.1.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Bad Internet? in Off Topic
cl_cmdrate 66 // Send to server at this many times per second
cl_updaterate 66 // Get from server at this many times per seconds
cl_interp_ratio 1 // Reduce entity interpolation times to minimum
net_queued_packet_thread 1 // Work around bad Windows networking
cl_interp 0 // Use cl_interp_ratio for a more accurate value
net_compresspackets 1 // Compress packets to prevent split packets
net_compresspackets_minsize 1260 // Only compress packets if we would send a splitpacket
rate 170016 // High rate to reduce choke and scale to packet rate
            // Might want to lower rate if you have <1.4Mbps stable upload
net_maxcleartime 0.015 // Balance between reducing network delay and choke
net_maxpacketdrop 5000 // Use default packet drop threshold
net_splitrate 4 // Split 4 packets per frame, reduces choke but is more CPU intensive
net_splitpacket_maxrate 170016 // Scale splitpacket to rate
                               // Might want to lower rate if you have <1.4Mbps stable upload
cl_timeout 70 // Wait the maximum time before automatically timing out on client
cl_pred_optimize 2 // Skip repredicting if we do not need to do it
cl_lagcompensation 1 // Ensure lag compensation is turned on
cl_predictweapons 1 // Ensure weapon firing prediction is turned on
cl_smooth 1 // Smooth out prediction errors
cl_smoothtime 0.1 // Smooth out view for 0.1 seconds

try these net settings

posted about 7 years ago
#611 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
BrimstoneHey mastercoms I was wondering which I should choose:

snd_async_minsize 0 // Do not wait for audio file loading for SSDs
snd_async_minsize 262144 // Wait longer for CPUs with less than 4 cores

As I have an SSD, but only 2 cores, thanks

Sorry, I meant that comment for CPUs with less than 4 cores with HDDs. Though, are you having any problems with snd_async_minsize 0, like any stuttering? If so, use a higher setting for it.

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ⋅⋅ 104