Salamancer#21 If you kept your stocks from 2008 they'd be roughly recovered in value by now, I believe.
Does this statement hold true even with inflation being calculated? Compared to Gold, silver, oil, and all other commodities, the value of the US dollar has Tanked (even over the last 5 years)! Sure, you would have as much money as before the recession, but would you be able to buy as much with it?
What do you think of Gold or Silver as an investment to beat inflation?
(I just read your post about that) Is it true that as long as the treasury keeps printing money and the fed keeps pumping it into the economy, the buying power of the dollar will continue to go down? QE3 is sounding more like QE infinity forever.
I have some more questions, so if you are up to it, I would really like to talk in private about my personal situation. If you aren't available I understand.