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Signed Up November 22, 2014
Last Posted January 31, 2015 at 8:35 AM
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#60 TF2Hud+ in Customization

i cant even install it, when i go to the instal page i see a resorces and scripts but i cant drag them aneywhere so how am i seppose to get the files in my custom folder?!?!?!?!?!!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#16 new settings for viewmodels? in Q/A Help

WHY what?

posted about 10 years ago
#13 new settings for viewmodels? in Q/A Help

I can help u siueggx.
douwnload this skin its not only the iron sight but is hat more skins to choose in the map.
There is an old rocket launcher skin it is a LITLE bit ugly but you dont relly constantly look at it.
There is also a right hand remove skin so you can have higher viewmodels cus when you dont doo that skin as well and you goo high viewmodels you see a flothing hand.........
BUT when you use the Remove Right hand you dont see that but then alllllll of the firstperson right hands are gone.
when you dont use that one you done wanna go higher viewmodel that 79 you can see the hand for a seccond when you switch too the rocket launcher its your choice

posted about 10 years ago