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Signed Up July 15, 2014
Last Posted June 20, 2015 at 3:18 AM
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#95 Personal Achievements in Off Topic

I'm a big sap so I'm so proud of everyone and their achievements!! Hopefully everyone here finds more success.

A friend and I designed a 3d printed telescope mount designed to hold a smartphone this school year. It's a relatively easy project, but for a freshman with no experience in coding, CAD, robotics, etc, it was the only independent research I could do. I liked every step of the design process so I guess I'm really meant to do this. It's pretty reassuring since engineering was sort of a last-minute decision for me. I'm in an alternative energy oriented engineering program, though, so now I can't wait to do design projects more geared towards that in the future :D

posted about 9 years ago
#31 todsay is my mum's birthday in The Dumpster
yung_taptbh i would get her some expensive lingerie

this or go all out and buy her a really good bra that fits her well. she'll wear it all day and the support will remind her of...u...(in theory.....)

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Things to do in my head in Off Topic

IF you aren't allowed to listen to music while you work (or ever you can't), try imagining your favorite songs sang by a completely different singer/band. it's what i used to do during long car rides before i could afford an mp3 player (dark times) and when i used to work as a receptionist and it was against policy to have headphones. i don't remember how hard it was in the beginning trying to do this tbh. idk, try it out when you're not at work and see how u like it. it's a good brain exercise.

Show Content
i'm a really boring person
posted about 9 years ago
#78 Highschool stories in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#15 Matt eats a salad in Off Topic
Dreamerclckwrk looks like James Deen.


DUDE i've been saying that for so long now

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Highschool stories in Off Topic

i remember high school everyday i walk outside and see all this useless snow

posted about 10 years ago