tibet (korean demoman (not me))
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SteamID64 | 76561198025388931 |
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Country | Singapore |
Signed Up | October 29, 2015 |
Last Posted | May 31, 2019 at 2:01 PM |
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Frag Clips Thread
posted about 5 years ago
dont tap the white tiles
Off Topic
this took me longer than I'd care to admit
osu main btw
posted about 7 years ago
School & TF2
TF2 General Discussion
joshuawni didn't read the whole thread, but do you still go to sleep after wasting the whole day procrastinating?
the easiest way to fix bad work ethic is to not sleep until your work is done. force yourself awake; it's not hard. and no, giving up on this strategy after one all-nighter isn't going to cut it. to reiterate, stay up until you physically give out.
this tactic might not be immediate if you can't help yourself from gaming, but you'll start to get angry because you're not allowed to sleep. so on top of your current trend of poor grades, you'll also be chronically sleep-deprived & moody. if that isn't a wake-up call, then there's probably something seriously psychologically wrong & this thread isn't qualified to help. if you're psychologically healthy, you'll eventually value sleeping over gaming, and you'll prioritize your work so you can get some sleep.
also, if your procrastination is purely brought on by stress, being sleep-deprived can alleviate psychological inhibitors that are preventing you from working in the first place.
and yes, this can get you into the (subconscious) mindset of "only do work when you're tired". but hey, it's certainly better than not doing work at all.
I used to do this and spent about four years sleeping through every class and still not doing any work
I don't think it's a very good plan
posted about 8 years ago
Found the problem, the line above QuestItem_Identify_Expand in HudAnimations_tf.txt isn't commented out.
http://puu.sh/l2wF5/39bea0f686.txt should work (put in tf\custom\yaya\scripts)
posted about 9 years ago