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Signed Up December 17, 2014
Last Posted June 29, 2018 at 10:59 PM
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#18 GPU replacement in Hardware
SetsulYeah, 2500 or 2500K doesn't matter, whichever is cheaper. Only the 2550K would be marginally faster.
You could just get the GPU first (could still take a look at used GPUs) and upgrade the CPU only if it turns out to be holding you back (especially min fps).

RAM might be a good idea. How many slots does your mobo have though? Would be great if you don't have to replace anything and can just add more.

As for CPUs so you're not limited to the 2500 here's a rough ranking:
3770(K) > 3570(K) > 2700K > 3550 > 2600(K) = 2550K > 3470 > 2500(K) > 3450
Below that I don't think the upgrade would be worth it.
The 2500(K) should be around 20% faster than 2100, more in OW and DOOM.

I still have 3 free slots for RAM and thanks for the CPU list, I will have it in mind if I upgrade my CPU in the future.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 GPU replacement in Hardware

So I went asking for prices before doing my buy and the cheapest 1050Ti I could find is at $250 (computer components prices are pretty high here) and the cheapest used i5 2500 (not K, not that I can overclock it anyways) is $30~, so I'm thinking on getting the 1050Ti and some RAM since I'm not sure if what I have now (4Gb) is enough for gaming and shits.

EDIT: My budget was $300 so I actually can afford the 1050Ti and the i5, but I'm not sure if the i5 is that big of an upgrade for gaming, so I may get RAM instead.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 GPU replacement in Hardware
ScrewballIf you can afford it the bump to a RX570 is well worth the money. GPU prices have come down so the price gap isn't that much. I would only get a 1050ti with today's prices if you don't have the PSU to run a 570 and want instant gratification.

As for whether or not you should upgrade your CPU or your GPU first? You haven't even told us what GPU you currently have or what games you play.

I currently have a GTS450, I do play (painfully slowly) the games I mentioned except Wolfenstein 2, I also play other games like PD2, TF2, CSGO, etc., but those run decently in my toaster so no problems in there, I was also asking about the CPU because maybe I could grab a second hand CPU to not bottleneck the 1050Ti that much on some CPU-intensive games I may come across in the future.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 GPU replacement in Hardware
SetsulMin fps might be a problem but avg seems doable.
i3-2100 ~ 70% i3-4360 but these are 1080p max settings.
Maybe 60-65% of the i7-6850K @4.0 GHz but again 1080p max settings.
720p, but with 2 cores + SMT and that i7-6700K only running at 3.0 GHz you should still get 80-85% of that.

And on top of that nVidia wouldn't launch a 1050 Ti replacement right away. From the 1080 to the 1050 Ti it took 5 months.

Thats what I needed, thanks.

Also, if I were to replace my CPU but not my mobo, which CPU would you recommend?

posted about 6 years ago
#1 GPU replacement in Hardware

So I currently have a i3 2100 and a really old GPU, was thinking on upgrading it to a GTX 1050Ti, I know the CPU will probably bottleneck it so I wanted to know if this setup is enough to run games like Doom2016/Wolfenstein 2 at 80~fps and R6/OW at 120~fps, all of em @Mid Settings/720p.

Should I go for it or replace my CPU first?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Arm position to avoid RSI in Q/A Help

Thanks to all for the info


RSI wise, is playing with straighter arm safer than with a retracted arm? (like this:


I play with 32cm/360 and I mostly use my wrist to do small movements and arm to do the bigger ones (like most of the people I think), the thing is that I use claw grip with a Deathadder, could that be what is affecting my elbow?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Arm position to avoid RSI in Q/A Help

Ive seen a lot of people playing with their mouse arm in a > position, I too play like that but lately Ive been feeling a bit of strain in my elbow so I thought on changing how I position my arm (from > to extended, idk), Im not sure if this is the problem, thats why Im asking if you guys know safe positions to avoid RSI or arm strain.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Maps to warmup offline in TF2 General Discussion

whats your opinion on tr arena guys? i have been thinking if it really works as a practice map

posted about 9 years ago
#91 m0rehud black in Customization

For some reason it doesnt show the players names on my scoreboard

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Non tf2/cs fragmovies thread in Other Games
yukiQ2 holy shit! I knew there was a little scene for it but didn't really think anyone made any vids.

I keep going back to this vid. Some amazing plays and frags (music is a bit on the 'ehh' side maybe)

I think I saw some of those frags in another movie, but cant remember the name right now donn logistica tfc psychodelic jedi academy

posted about 9 years ago
#101 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization

Is the main menu optimized for 4:3 ratio?

posted about 9 years ago
#162 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

I think people need motivation, they need to see the "diamond in the rough" like meb said, usually when people see crazy kills from fragmovies/montages they say "jesus man that was crazy i wish i could do that" so they get interested in the game, actually that was the reason I started playing comp games years ago, the problem is that in TF2 is not easy to turn that "i wish i could do that" to "i WANT to do that/i WILL do that" because new people normally don't know where to start, there's no matchmaking, a lot of them will surely get kicked out of the lobbies if they try tf2center, most of them don't have contacts to ask about 6s, most of them don't know about tftv and I'm pretty sure most of them are lazy fucks who can't write "tf2 competitive" in google.

People need a place to start not only with info like but a place where they can actually start to play.

If they play pubs and they like it they will probably stay in the pub side of the game but if we show them what you can do when you git gud at this game (or when you have 2000 hours of mge) then maybe they will want to surpass themselves and get that "i WANT to do that" idea, or they will lost their lives playing mge 24/7.

Those are my thoughts.

TL;DR: dust off your window movie maker nerds

posted about 10 years ago