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Last Posted August 1, 2023 at 7:03 PM
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#22 Getting Old in Off Topic
BrockI threw out my back this morning trying to move a entertainment center I got from a thrift shop, I feel so messed up.

A couple years back I had an injury at the gym while doing RDLs, original details are a bit shaky but either going up or coming down on the movement my lower back essentially gave out and curved. This resulted in a pretty audible pop I could feel, resulting in me having immense pain down the middle of my lower back which made it painful to walk, sit and sometimes lay down.

I wound up taking an entire year off of the gym because of this injury, speaking with my family at the time who work in healthcare they essentially chalked it up to a muscle sprain / strain and that I should just relax on the gym and be more careful in general. It's been something like 2.5 years since this original injury and I have returned to the gym and got back to mostly relative strength as I was prior to the injury, granted I still have occasional bouts of pain in exercises that pressure my lower back, notably squats.

With that being said, TurboTabs has provided some pretty sage advice that I will mostly just repeat with my own spin.

  1. Go to a doctor (not a chiropractor) as soon as possible and try to get into PT. I naively put off going to the doctor for over a year, once I finally did the doctor basically blew off any concern I had, having literally only done an X-ray image as diagnostics, he didn't even recommend PT which shocked me. If you can afford it I sincerely implore you to do so.
  2. Take at minimum 1 week off of any stressful activity impacting your back, if possible.
  3. RICE, rest, ice, compression, elevation
  4. Once you feel comfortable, aim to start doing light bodyweight stretches and movements that activate your back where the injury occurred. One of the biggest problems associated with any injury is that after you injure yourself you tend to become super careful about the injured areas movement and activation that you end up weakening the muscle way more than the injury did, resulting in a higher likelihood of reinjury. Which is why doing PT is important.
  5. Once you've rested enough and feel safe enough to return to the gym or other activities, be humble with yourself and do not immediately try to workout with the same intensity you would prior. Start from scratch (the bar) and work yourself back up, be slow and deliberate with form.
BrockI'm good with heavy work and this is just such a surprise for me.

I felt the same way following my injury, was only doing 1pl8 RDLs, a weight I was very comfortable with. Keep your head up high and focus on recovery and treatment and you should come out of this very close to how you were pre-injury.

posted about a year ago
#65 Shittalk.cfg - A Crowd-Sourced TF2 Insult Generator in Customization
THE_SPACEMANhow can I add new lines or remove some of them

The simplest option is to just modify the existing binds as it already suggests in the cfg itself. This is much
easier than manually adding in new entries, especially if you plan on adding numerous entries.

// FEEL FREE TO MODIFY THE BINDS (MODIFY ANYTHING AFTER "say"-----------------------------

As for adding in new entries, I don't regularly use this cfg myself but it should be as simple as adding in a few lines. So for example you want to add in "trashcan730" with the message "this is trashtalk", you would add in the following line in the first half of the cfg.

alias "trashcan729" "say Oh look, Hitler missed one" // Reference for quick CTRL+F
alias "trashcan730" "say this is trashtalk"

Then you would need to modify the last trashcan_diceroll's "trashcan_cycle" that is defined to point to the newest trashcan_diceroll to be added, in this case 730. Finally, you would in add in the new trashcan_diceroll_730 to point to the trashcan730 alias and have its trashcan_cycle point to trashcan_diceroll_0 such that the cycle will continue. Below are the lines you would modify/add.

alias "trashcan_diceroll_729" "alias trashcan_result trashcan729;alias trashcan_cycle trashcan_diceroll_730"//Mod
alias "trashcan_diceroll_730" "alias trashcan_result trashcan730;alias trashcan_cycle trashcan_diceroll_0"//Add

For further additions you would follow the same steps but always ensure the last trashcan_diceroll always ends with it pointing back to trashcan_diceroll_0. Hopefully this makes sense (and works).

Edit: For removing entries you would basically just need to remove the trashcan_diceroll that you don't want and have the previous diceroll point to the diceroll after the one you've just removed.

posted about a year ago
#60 Shittalk.cfg - A Crowd-Sourced TF2 Insult Generator in Customization
ZetsuboAnyone still got this?

im lazy but if you go to the wayback machine there are a bunch of old snapshots from the original website that you can download from

posted about a year ago
#4 song in TF2 General Discussion

Step 1: Sort comments by new
Step 2: Scroll down
Step 3: ???

posted about a year ago
#3 long ass fragmovie? in Videos

I'm like 80% sure you're referring to some shit that "shadow ninja sasuke" made years ago. Did a cursory search for it but can't find it. I remember there being some stupid ass demo clip that was intercut with like KKK marches or some shit, it was the most mind-boggling shit I had ever seen

posted about a year ago
#10 Day 3 - Current Website Changes in TF2 General Discussion
arcadiaour ideal solution is one where logs and demos are automatically uploaded directly to us (which may or may not be feasible). Once we have the logs stored we would ideally have a parser which could interpret all the stats and have them available on the match page, but also have aggregate stats, individual season stats, and many more...

...the astute among you might be thinking, "oh just collab with or, simple." This ties into the second part, scale of our organization. It's not really feasible for us to pass such a large burden onto zoob or Icewind...

I'm just spitballing here but wouldn't the optimal solution for this use-case be to create a server plugin (or update existing plugins) to upload the logs and demos directly to RGL much in the same vein as or It would forgo any need to collaborate with their developers as I would presume you guys would develop your own parser for the uploaded log files. Probably also somehow filter for only games played with the RGL match config to be uploaded if that is a possibility with how server configs work, granted you will still probably ended up with superfluous or malicious uploads. Filtering out bogus uploads and identifying only official matches automatically would be a problem but is definitely possible with some ingenuity, something like using unique in-game team tags during matches in combination with checking player steam IDs.

Obviously its not as simple as "I would simply make a server plugin" but from what you've stated it seems like that'd be the best course of action and I'm wondering if this option is being explored.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#3 canadian's alt name? in TF2 General Discussion

A fucking leaf

posted about 2 years ago
#87 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

everything has been downhill since reece stopped posting

posted about 2 years ago
#2 LFT Main/Advanced S7 in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've been playing with winter for a while now, playing both with and against him in the past few seasons
so I can confidently say that winter is a no-brainer pickup for top of main and even low-mid advanced.

His DM is fat, he has great game sense, he has a great mentality, and strives to improve as much as he can. If you give him a good combo to work with he will pound without fail.

posted about 3 years ago