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Signed Up July 15, 2017
Last Posted August 8, 2019 at 4:56 PM
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#299 TF.TV WHIPS, what do you drive? in Off Topic

2003 5-door yaris hatchback
it works. got it from my granddad for free, planning to get a civic soon.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 fix for interpolation-based hitbox desync in Customization
mastercomsAre you sure this bug happens on actual servers with actual players? As far as I can see from experimentally testing it on my test server with participants a few days ago and analyzing the source code, no such bug exists for connected non-bot players.

(in case you're reverse engineering the game) look up CServerGameClients::ClientSettingsChanged in the server.dll of tf2 itself (rather than the source sdk - the code in that is a lot different)

posted about 5 years ago
#15 Problems With Failstabs in Q/A Help
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
cl_interp 0.021
cl_pred_optimize 1
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.07

these are the settings we've been testing for spy in mastercomfig

this will only make it worse, as i explained in a post

edit: then again, pub trickstabbers might do placebo better with a fucked interp

posted about 5 years ago
#33 Calm game in Other Games

anno 1602

posted about 5 years ago
#147 no no word list in TF2 General Discussion

i need to make it to the top

posted about 5 years ago
#146 le economy crash in TF2 General Discussion

can someone make a mod to disable unusual particles
pubs are going to be unplayable now

posted about 5 years ago
#10 HUD Creation Competition #2 in TF2 General Discussion

any way i can throw stuff into the winning pool? would like to contribute but i can't make huds for shit.
edit: i'll throw in an unusual sniper rifle if mannpower and passtime is not included in the requirements because why the fuck would anyone do that

posted about 5 years ago
#5 fix for interpolation-based hitbox desync in Customization
mastercomsbearodactylis there an easy fix for recommended net settings?
i.e., what ratio would be best for interp 0.033 (hitscan) vs 0.0152 (projectile)
cl_interp_ratio = 2
cl_interp = 2 / 66 = 0.0303

Always round down, so cl_interp_ratio is preferred.

there's not much point with setting cl_interp to any value other than 0 (minimum allowed by the server) anyway
just set interp_ratio to the amount of ticks you want to interpolate for and you're good to go.
refer to

posted about 5 years ago
#3 fix for interpolation-based hitbox desync in Customization
bearodactylis there an easy fix for recommended net settings?
i.e., what ratio would be best for interp 0.033 (hitscan) vs 0.0152 (projectile)

basically best way to deal with this is to mess with interp_ratio instead
the way the game actually calculates interp is max( cl_interp, cl_interp_ratio / updaterate )
setting cl_interp to 0 in your config will force it to be at the lowest possible value, which i would recommend
then you can set cl_interp_ratio to 2 (for hitscan) and cl_interp_ratio to 1 (for projectiles) which would give you the ideal interpolation for both, without any desync.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 fix for interpolation-based hitbox desync in Customization

many people use custom interp settings depending on their internet connection however there's a problem with some of those

in tf2 (and possibly source engine in general) player lerptime isn't calculated properly. the remainder of cl_interp divided by interval per tick is discarded on the server but not the client. this results in a hitbox desync between client and server hitboxes. here's an example video:

fixing this is quite simple.
your cl_interp value must be a multiply of the server interval per tick (approx.0.01516 for tf2, rounded up) or your cl_interp_ratio / 66 must exceed (or be equal to) your cl_interp.

i tried to get in contact with sigsegv to try and get this bug fixed through valve (reason for it is quite simple, server improperly checks for a bot client).

posted about 5 years ago