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Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted October 4, 2012 at 4:40 PM
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#35 USA in TF2 General Discussion
KoobadoobsUSA won because our best players stick together, while their best players are spread among teams. I'm not complaining or making an excuse, I'm just saying that if the S11 Mix^ went, things would be different. The bottom of Invite can't even compete with the top. There is a noticeable skill gap. This makes for less interesting games but stronger top teams. In Europe, neither the "best" soldier nor "best" demo are on the "best" team. That's the real difference between EU and NA, not bans or airstrafing or map rules. Both sides have their pluses, both have their minuses, but at the end of the day one cannot compare NA and EU without a LAN league with all of Invite and all of Prem, the winning side being whichever side beats the other the most.

this new Mix^ team has been together for a very short amount of time, that should have played into the EU's advantage since they "stick together" and have that team chemistry built up over the seasons.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Happy birthday to thrill! in Off Topic

are you going to give him some bday dick, think?????

posted about 12 years ago
#32 I am dflame. AMA in TF2 General Discussion

how does it feel to have the most -frags in the history of tftv? do you think anyone will break your record?

posted about 12 years ago
#9 problem with reddit mge server in Q/A Help

maybe you got banned, bullet.

posted about 12 years ago
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