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Signed Up December 25, 2012
Last Posted July 8, 2016 at 9:30 PM
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#6 Animation vs Animator in Videos

I'm afraid this one takes the cake

posted about 10 years ago
#25 book recommendations in Off Topic
HucknightwatchMoby DickIf he is a 16 year old who has trouble staying interested in a book, I don't think him finishing Moby Dick is possible.


Well then, To Kill a Mockingbird because it is very short, extremely easy to read, and has some really good content, considering how accessible it is.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 book recommendations in Off Topic

Moby Dick

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Favorite Chips? in Off Topic

but ya aint nobody fuckin with takis

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Favorite Chips? in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#6 So I had this idea in TF2 General Discussion

I tried something similar last year but it didn't work out so well.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 How to make the AWPerhand look circular? in Q/A Help

It will likely have a noticeable effect on your fps.

This is outdated (so I don't think it has the AWP included) but I think it gives a good representation of the differences between the lower LOD versions and the highest. Some of the most detailed models have over 5,000 polys to render (while their low LOD versions are still countable in the hundreds).

LOD stuff

To get a feel for the FPS difference, put your LOD on the lowest possible and go spy, equipping the spycicle and the dead ringer. If there is still no low version of the dead ringer, swapping between the two weapons with cl_showfps 1 on should show you the maximum difference you can expect with the AWP.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Recommended dentist in toronto or ottawa in Off Topic

It's a little bit cheaper here but not by much. It used to be that you could work around it by having it out by a doctor - and covered by your health card (of course, you Americans don't have it like that). I think that's not allowed any more though, and a dentist has to do it. Extraction only, not implant.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 hello gamers in TF2 General Discussion

This is TF2, not Pokemon.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 What YOU think of the new Update! in TF2 General Discussion
commence people saying mcvee and others said the map isn't ready

I guarantee that if eotl is released tomorrow, it will be the movie only and no update.

posted about 10 years ago
#56 New weapons in TF2 General Discussion
Map Fixes
Updated cp_granary
Removed collision from lights and small props protruding from walls
Fixed collision on fences
Fixed the tire props near Blu's forward spawn so players may no longer jump up to the spawn door platform
Fixed players shooting through gaps around forward spawn doors
Fixed door protruding through roof on Red's forward spawn
Fixed a collision bug that gave players access to the roof above Red's spawn door
Prevented players from building inside spawn room doors
Adjusted area portals to improve rendering and performance


posted about 10 years ago
#53 New weapons in TF2 General Discussion

... right now.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 CEVO Spring Classic in News
reillyI think the roster lock is fair for such a short tournament. It prevents players that get knocked out early from joining a roster still in the tourny, as well as teams picking up better players further into the tournament just for the sake of winning. It's no different than ESEA locking rosters before playoffs. This is basically playoffs without a regular season.

I was acting team captain for Cinnamon Dongers and I don't think any of these particular thoughts would apply to us - I don't know any invite players who want to hang around with a bunch of UGC-Plastic nerds.

The teams knew exactly when they would be playing and what they were getting into, if they didn't choose to put backups on their rosters it's entirely their fault.

This is true, and why I didn't pursue the matter when I learned my pocket couldn't actually play during the first (and only, in our case) two matches.

posted about 10 years ago
#38 help with t-shirt design in Off Topic
futureasking for people to do design work for free is the number one thing i cannot stand

While I would agree with you in most cases, I don't think your attitude towards free design work applies here. They're asking for someone to donate their time to design a logo that will be used in charity-based circumstances (the shirts will be given as prizes to i52 donators). Street Hoops Esports is not a commercial for-profit entity in the same sense that a bank or a business is. They do not have money to spare to pay for this service. They are also approaching their own community, people who are likely to donate to the fundraiser anyway, and asking for another type of donation that will help make the fundraiser a success.

If they had approached a design community and asked for this service I would agree with you. If they were a DOTA team attending the International this year I would agree with you. But they're not. This does not take design work away from graphic designers because it would never have gone to them anyway.

tl;dr: save your ranting for when it matters please. It's a good issue to have an opinion on but directing it here is stupid and unrelated.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Almost unnecessary custom crosshairs in TF2 General Discussion

try sv_pure 0 first

posted about 10 years ago
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