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Last Posted May 1, 2016 at 4:53 PM
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#658 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

i disagree with miggy on a lot of things but at least he's actually listening to her side instead of ignoring everything. done here. fade is a moron.

posted about 8 years ago
#655 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

mauiis alt, which was originally used to play incognito with friends already had the number tied to it, like her main. she tested in a private server to ban cheaters in her community. the vac ban carried over because of the phone number being linked.

read the steam vac page one day or you'll keep making yourself look like a fucking idiot. you can get vac banned on an account even though no cheat was ever injected. so many morons in this community.

posted about 8 years ago
#650 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

fade, you dont know how retarded you sound right now. using a cheat, in a private server, to learn what it does to ban hackers doesn't mean mauii used it every single time tf2 was launched on any account.

you retards cant be reasoned with. you see a vac ban and just foam at the mouth and call anyone a cheater without the entire story.
this person was a 40+ year old spy main back in 2008, used to be steam friends with him for a long time. his account was hijacked and the person who stole it caused a vac ban. but knowing how this community reacts to the site of a vac ban, you'll call his story bs too.

strazzy, you're pretty retarded yourself. this entire community is cancer.

posted about 8 years ago
#640 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

miggy used hacks on an alt to learn it because he's too dumb otherwise but since he wasn't banned it makes it ok? rofl.

steam bans accounts that share a phone number, that's what happened to a few people. you can get vac banned without cheating on an account if it links to other accounts that used a cheat for whatever purpose. so many close-minded, unintelligent retards in this community. read the steam faqs one day. it's common knowledge.

posted about 8 years ago
#558 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

bullet doesnt use anything. get over it. autodet keypresses with lmaobox in a pov demo looks like +attack2 spammed constantly for a bunch of ticks before a -attack2 even comes up. other hacks show nothing, i know this because i tested a few of them. his keypresses are completely normal. why is it so hard to believe he got bored and stopped using? stop being close-minded and biased against him because of his past.

posted about 8 years ago
#556 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

did i trigger you proximo? i used one log to determine that you were hacking and i was right. get over it, stop being a retard. anyone who saw that log would come to that same conclusion.

but he is right about miggy. i've been saying it all day in multiple reddit threads, he probably sent valve f1publics code, which is public. tommi was ratted and miggy is taking credit just like maxbox was trying to do.

for the bullet part of my post, everyone accused him of using lmaobox. i told everyone he quit hacking last year, he plays on the esea client, which tommi has no plans to bypass, he wasn't hit with the vac ban waves, he key presses in his demos are legit and you all change your minds and say he uses something else because "his stickies are too good/det too fast".

posted about 8 years ago
#529 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

wrong thread.

posted about 8 years ago
#445 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

tommi was ratted and his hack was leaked. the guy used his uc account to upload malware and tell everyone it was free and over now. maxbox did nothing to contribute to the detection(people said the source miggy sent to valve was f1public instead of lmaobox). if he wasn't ratted, there would most likely be no ban wave. i saw people say lmaobox isn't over, he's still trying to get access back to his pc. people who had the loader in system tray but not injected were also hit. go read this for yourselves, you know where to look.

btw: bullet is clean from tf2

also i called out proximo last year after seeing his first log with 900+ dpm as demo in iron or steel hl. smobo was told by someone who i told, did no investigating. best anti cheat team. rofl.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 TF2 Pub Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

dont forget about tipsy teejay who tries to pass off roster riding as actual gold exp. this demo has numerous low fov snaps, if you know what to look for you'll see it at full speed, slow it down/play frame by frame if you care enough. he has an aim toggle key for when his garbage aim can't do it. plus obvious triggerbot shots plus walls. already been outed but the entire tftrue subreddit is full of retards who dont know how aimbots work his genius friends pastel and hydroxy were also caught. hydroxy even has a frag video that contains an aimbot kill on a scout rofl. saz, someone who writes hacks as hobby + more knowledge than gir489, said the demo is completely obvious and said some shots move perfectly linearly and back to the same exact spot before taking the shot.

posted about 9 years ago
#41 obvious hacker in mge in TF2 General Discussion
fade-noblenderbefore this gets locked, add tipsy teejay to that shit list. saw him in hightower snapping on people tonight. googled his steam id and found this video: everything after the kill on the scout is just further proof. that snap is so obvious, play on .25 speed if you have to. even the accuracy on his logs are questionable
its obvious that he hacks in pubs but his accuracy stats in logs aren't that off

like at best they're in the 50s and most are in the high 30s/40s


is something wrong with stats or how does he go 500-600 dpm in one match and 250 in the next???

probably read things wrong since i was half asleep and i lost the one match that someone told me was fishy accuracy wise so i decided to post his log link anyway, someone will probably find it. @gasol, i'd just remove him from the team, if he doesn't use aimbot in lobbies/matches he most likely uses his esp+triggerbot. all it takes for him to aimbot in a pub is to get wrecked by someone constantly then he'll rage target them.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 obvious hacker in mge in TF2 General Discussion

before this gets locked, add tipsy teejay to that shit list. saw him in hightower snapping on people tonight. googled his steam id and found this video: everything after the kill on the scout is just further proof. that snap is so obvious, play on .25 speed if you have to. even the accuracy on his logs are questionable

posted about 9 years ago