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SteamID64 76561198078214483
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:58974377
Country Australia
Signed Up May 18, 2014
Last Posted June 13, 2018 at 2:54 AM
Posts 932 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.5
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1 ⋅⋅ 58 59 60 61 62
#2 tf2 won't launch on new computer in Q/A Help

Did you completely download a clean install of tf2, or did you copy it from another computer? I have had that error before when copying the game files over to a different computer.

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Invite Poll in TF2 General Discussion
KillingPerspective Meat Market / MadMen roster

I think you mean prospective

posted about 9 years ago
#7 need advice on a laptop in Off Topic
Grapistd4m0 windows 8 takes up something like 200gbs damn...

Nvm i just looked it up and microsoft says like 20gbs needed
Ok so wtf is taking up all the space on MY hard drive...!?

posted about 9 years ago
#2 need advice on a laptop in Off Topic

Well that laptop has some good points (battery life and low power usage in general) and some bad ones, including no integrated graphics, the gimmicky touchscreen which will have unnecessarily boosted the cost of the whole thing (but if that's what you want...), the not-at-all-powerful cpu... it will run tf2 fine (my cpu has half that power and i have no gpu and with all settings at minimum+swiftshader+nohats I get a solid 50-60 fps constantly) and as you said, anything will run warcraft three... but if I were you I'd find something with a bit more grunt. Then again, as long as you don't want to play battlefield 4 or whatever and you don't mind it being outdated by early 2017, it should serve you well enough.

Without being in the same country I can't really offer alternatives, but my gut feeling is that you can probably do a bit better for that price. Shop around, compare passmark cpu and gpu scores, see what you can find. I also didn't see the size of the hdd, just keep in mind that windows 8 takes up something like 200gbs on its own, (edit: this is hilariously wrong nvm me) so if you're dealing with videos or whatever make sure you get a decent sized hdd.

Just my two cents, best of luck.

posted about 9 years ago
#273 i52 in TF2 General Discussion

The players will be too busy playing and working out strategies and stuff when they don't have games on to cast, I don't think yuki will want to gimp his team just to get his voice on the stream lol

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Tf2 losing focus with multiple monitors in TF2 General Discussion

It's just that tf2 by default doesn't lock your cursor to the game, but it doesn't affect most people because they play fullscreen. Just use cursorlock, it takes like five minutes to work out how to setup the first time and that's it, just open it every time you open tf2 (or set it up to boot tf2 up for you but I'm too scared of getting vacced unfairly to do that)

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Team Immunity Roster Change: Termo replaces Bulk in News
AndKennethWhile we are making euros nervous by linking termo frag vids...
feat. blind dets

posted about 10 years ago
#1137 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
sheepauPlaying without demos being OP was nice. The game actually flowed nicely. The nerf was too large, but they should implement a lesser nerf.

Says the world's best scout
Either biased as fuck or demo is srsly op

Ridiculously relieved right now tho demo was boring as since the update

posted about 10 years ago
#52 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
yuki my sensitivity is freakin high :/

Don't you have like 20 inches per 360? Not that high...

Also I've been playing for six months and I didn't know that an engi's toolbox maxed your ammo, thanks lol

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Graphics/FPS Discussion in Customization
KhanTF2d4m0- long post -Can you link the poly packs you're using and do they work with sv_pure 2?

I have -high in my launch options and I haven't experienced any instability. Another way to boost FPS would be to go into your TeamFortress2 folder, right-click on hl2.exe>properties>compatibility and disable desktop composition at launch. As d4mo said, make sure your pc is running well (use CCleaner and Defraggler regularly) and check your power options to make sure they are set on high performance.

It's called the oldschool/low poly pack mod, easy to google, but nope it doesn't work in pure 2 sorry. Only mod i know that does is nohats, no idea how they manage it lol

The high setting _can_ cause instability if other necessary programs aren't run because tf2 is a hog, it probably only matters on really bad computers anyway, but I have tried the setting on one computer that is just too bad for tf2 -- it runs walkway fine, but pubs with more than ten people wreck it, no matter how much i tweak -- and -high just made things worse.

@chrom3 i've never had a computer with a dedicated gfx card that needed lod tweaking to run tf2 smoothly, so i don't really have personal experience with that, but I have heard of a program called rivatuner which i think is nvidia specific -- there are simple guides on how to use that to lower the tf2 level of detail rendered (and thus boost framerate) dotted around the internet

As for windows we've gone through a few above but other things to do are:

Cleaning up your startup programs (really easy in win8 through task manager but doable in earlier operating systems as well)
Changing your computer's performance options (probably only important with a laptop, but probably worth checking through if you have a desktop)
going into your graphics card's options (in their proprietary software -- sounds like nvidiainspector is yours) and setting the easily understandable options to high performance over quality; just don't stuff around with options you don't understand and if you do want to experiment, google it and make sure you understand it first
Check your cpu's temperature (plenty of free programs can do this) and if it's too high then clean out your computer's airvents, fans and chassis in general. From memory 40 degrees celsius under normal use or fifty degrees while playing a game are about normal for a desktop, although laptops often go a lot higher because of poor heat dissipation
If you have a desktop and it doesn't run hot (before or after a clean) then perhaps you can overclock it a bit for better performance - with most computers it's as simple as changing a couple of settings in the bios. The main problem this can cause is excess heat, which will make the cpu cycle down anyway as well as potentially damaging it so just be careful... and just don't overclock on a laptop unless it has amazing cooling and you monitor it constantly. Even thrn you'd be best not to, as heat damage is really bad for your computer's parts.
Also check your computer's properties and device manager hardware list and just familiarise yourself with it because it might be worth it. I once was looking at the properties of a computer we'd had for five years and realised that the cpu was running at a lower ghz value than it was rated for -- it had been underclocked for five years! Wasn't happy
Depending on your specs you might just have one bottleneck that can be easily fixed, for instance if you only have 2-4 gigs of ram it will save you time and money in the long run just to get another stick of ram and plug it in (make sure you have a spare slot though first obviously) as that can improve the perormance of everything if it removes that bottleneck. The windows experience index is probably a decent guide to this

Verifying game cache
Removing old maps and stuff from your tf folder probably couldn't hurt
Keep your hard drive unclogged up (try to leave a decent amount of space free as it gets used by various processes when necessary) and as said above defragged

Probably more stuff that i've forgotten lol

Sorry for great wall of text, typos, and also the lack of links i cant attach them atm
Tl;dr my computer is bad and i've spent waaaay too much of my life tweaking it to make tf2 playable

Edit: oh yeah i forgot i made a few mistakes in my prior post - .gcf files can't be defragmented before because valve removed them with steampipe and went to vpks which work differently and dont need defragging
Also i think that -heapsize value is calling for 160 gigs of ram?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Graphics/FPS Discussion in Customization

Yeah -soft ive never heard of, -dxlevel80 will do nothing (has to have a space:-dxlevel 80), -heapsize is set to a ridiculous value (it allocates slightly less than 16 gigabytes of ram which is stupid, you are lucky valve isn't stupid and has programmed the game to ignore that else you'd just crash), -high causes instability with all your other programs and can be done via task manager anyway...

For the record a lot of the launch options that come with the configs are also useless, like the one that disables mouse accel when you can just do that in game, etc etc

But on topic I use maxframes, dx level 80, no hats, a low poly pack, as many other commands as i could find that increase fps, a particle tweaking pack that removes a lot of the extra shit, low poly weapon and projectile models... also almost as importantly you should optimise your computer by making sure there's nothing clagging up your computer, keeping it cleaned and properly cooled, tweaking the graphics card settings (with intel integrated gfx just turn the slider in its options to performance, with dedicated graphics cards there is software, for example rivatuner, that can turn your in game Level Of Detail down so that you lag a lot less), telling steam to run with low priority and in silent mode, perhaps using a program like gamebooster, making sure your antivirus program doesn't lag you in game... i could go on. Needing to do all this really depends just how low end your computer (specifically your cpu) is.

There's also a program that defrags your game cache files (.gcf) that you can download and run each update to significantly boost your game loading times, with can also be helped by turning off forcepreload in the console (might be tf_forcepreload or something like that, cant remember).

Yeah i have a bad computer :D but it runs fine now so ^^

posted about 10 years ago
#58 No Hats Mod in Customization

Love you harbis

posted about 10 years ago
#9 FPS From 210 to 50 in Q/A Help

Sounds like its not using all your cores? Try making sure the multicore setting is still on/toggling it off and on. Seen a few people with this problem or similar, will hopefully be patched anyway soon.

posted about 10 years ago
#104 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit back headshots and flying demomen

posted about 10 years ago
#54 Runescape in Other Games

Oh man, runescape... I remember starting a new account and getting to combat level 50 in like 3 days as f2p... good times. Got a few of my skills to 60 but it was just too slow to go beyond that while being f2p so i quit, did some dungioneering when it came out though lol i was terrible, kept overextending :p

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 58 59 60 61 62