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Signed Up September 29, 2012
Last Posted June 22, 2013 at 1:43 AM
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#109 Collection of Custom HUDs in Customization
Soup8hello everyone
since IMO Knhud 2 it wasn't as i thought it would be, so i decided to update the Original KnHud.

It's very heavily modified Knhud
and some screenshots

omfg this

posted about 12 years ago
#46 nasty food combinations in TF2 General Discussion
posted about 12 years ago
#1 HUD Help Thread in Q/A Help


posted about 12 years ago
#11 Hud Editing Question in Q/A Help


posted about 12 years ago
#10 Hud Editing Question in Q/A Help

images broken, found out how to fix it anyway.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Hud Editing Question in Q/A Help


posted about 12 years ago
#30 Wireless vs Wired? in Hardware

Well, my old logitech g400 was having issues, so i returned it and got a new one, the new one has the exact same scroll wheel issue, so i guess i'm getting a new mouse. probably going for a zowie am or something. wish me good luck...


got the deathadder and am very satisfied!!

posted about 12 years ago
#2 need a favor done in Off Topic

was hoping this thread was going to be about sucking dicks for money

am disappointed.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Bind help. in Q/A Help

um, wasn't really looking for scroll wheel binds, but binds that allow you to switch weapons and are comfortable, w/ out using the scroll wheel... sorry for not explaining it very well.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Bind help. in Q/A Help

This should probably go in hardware but whatever, i recently got myself a logitech g400 and the scroll wheel is utter shit, then i asked myself, does anyone even use the scroll wheel in comp. tf2 anyway? for changing weapons of course, if you don't, it'd be awesome if you'd post what binds you use for switching weapons. I seriously can't get used to the number keys though.
(also, not really hating on the g400 scroll wheel, i think mine's broken, its not working properly as i mentioned in another thread)

thanks in advance.

(TL;DR looking for comfortable easy binds for switching weapons, rather than the scroll wheel)

posted about 12 years ago
#74 Post your mouse pad in TF2 General Discussion

Well shit, how do I fix it? ughh. Hate it when stuff like this happens.

posted about 12 years ago
#72 Post your mouse pad in TF2 General Discussion
lynaharvestdoes anyone else seriously fucking hate the g400's scroll wheel? pretty irrelevant but i saw a lot of logitech g400 mouses in here and it made me wonder how the hell do they use it, just barely moving it makes it register that it's been scrolled up or down, without even making it click, hard to explain
My g400 makes noises when I scroll, I don't have any problem with scroll wheel.

that's not really what i meant, i mean that, you know how it makes noise when you scroll? well if you don't make it make noise, and just slowly move the scroll up or down, it will register that you are making it scroll, without moving the scroll or making the noise.

also making it to where you scroll more when you should w/ regular scrolling

posted about 12 years ago
#70 Post your mouse pad in TF2 General Discussion

does anyone else seriously fucking hate the g400's scroll wheel? pretty irrelevant but i saw a lot of logitech g400 mouses in here and it made me wonder how the hell do they use it, just barely moving it makes it register that it's been scrolled up or down, without even making it click, hard to explain

also i use a shitty mouse pad and am wondering if a harder, less soft like mouse pad is better for the g400?

posted about 12 years ago
hooky after shaving, with new glasses - before shaving, with old glasses

looks better not shaved. just saying.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Hud Editing Question in Q/A Help

also as i wait for a genius to figure this out, maybe this question will be simpler.

for some reason, this hud i put together doesn't show the damage account when its a crit, since i play a lot of sniper this is really quite annoying. i'm not sure why it does this, doesn't make any sense to me, but it shows up any other way, it even shows up when its a crit on the value above the health, but not above their head, which is normally what i look at anyway

posted about 12 years ago
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