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Signed Up December 23, 2018
Last Posted September 11, 2024 at 1:50 AM
Posts 27 (0 per day)
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Headphones Shure SE215
Monitor BenQ Zowie XL2546k
1 2
#3 never forget in TF2 General Discussion


posted 5 months ago
#1022 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

nobody chokes quite like lando forza ferrari!!!!

posted 6 months ago
#1 DirectX8 sunset? in Customization

My DirectX8 cfg crashes on launch after the vulkan update, even on a vanilla install- did they formally sunset dx8 and i missed it or like its still there but you need other tweaks?

**nvm im stupid it was an issue in my hud ))

posted 6 months ago
#7 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion

i had quite a bit of a history with her, some positive, mostly negative, and she definitely didn't make me feel the safest. as a result, every time i heard about her i was hoping she'd get some help so i wouldn't see this thread that i always had a bit of fear that i would. thank you for sharing this, it is so so unfortunate that this happened. i hope her family is okay, and lain deserved better than this. nobody should have to go through what she did.

posted 6 months ago
#82 DreamHack Atlanta (18-20th November 2022) in LAN Discussion

roll call anyone got em yet?

posted 6 months ago
#6 RGL 6s S15 LAN Photos in TF2 General Discussion
ktaeohWe got really got 2023 RGB LAN and 2024 RGL LAN photos before 2023 Resup.GG pics

these pictures are pushing thirty, i'm done waiting on these guys

posted 7 months ago
#14 RGB LAN 7 in LAN Discussion

cu@ yippee (lft scout or med)

posted 8 months ago
#78 DreamHack Atlanta (18-20th November 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted 11 months ago
#75 DreamHack Atlanta (18-20th November 2022) in LAN Discussion

that sucks ass given the assocation with dreamhack and combined prize pool and whatnot lol

DrHappinessmuris there an update on the medals]
So the team and I have had a check and unfortunately these medals were not distributed as of right now. Usually we avoid saying that we would be providing medals until we get confirmation from Valve that the medals would get added to prevent false promises. The fact that they were promised yet no medals were added to the game is a serious error on our part and for that we wish to apologise.

We have contacted Valve to see if they would be willing to add these retroactively so we can distribute them, but I want to say at this point there is no guarantee medals will be available for participants for this event. Going forward we will be making changes to how we plan events to ensure things like this which can get missed does not happen again.
posted 11 months ago
#36 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

He's right here. The resup team wasn't able to compensate me enough for me to not lose money on the trip / for my time, so I opted to make it a vacation event. Photos as an afterthrought are true, but this is usually because they are not the responsibility of the organizers beyond "help promote the albums once they're posted". Traditional esports photography sees event organizers compensate photographers for their time and in exchange the photographers come and shoot and have albums up within a set upon amount of time, with very little administrative oversight if at all. My photos were ready within line of this but there were foreign and unexpected deliverables and variables (copy of raw unedited images, oversight on publishing times, discrepancy about watermarks) that caused there to be a delay on publishing them, albeit not more than another week or two. I don't want to cause a rift, the resup admins are trying their best, but regardless it'd be nice to see more resources pointed to the documentation of the memories of lan that take place outside the server

bearodactylHate to say it but in terms of LAN planning, as far as I've heard and seen, photos are kind of an afterthought--the event can't be run without casters, producers/cameramen, tournament organizers, etc. and there's not usually much money to go around anyways, so if something has to be neglected it's usually the photo/video stuff. Not to say this was necessarily what happened here, but it doesn't surprise me given the i69 photos took over a year as well (which afaik was mainly due to people being overburdened with regular work, and the fact that they were all on a single hard drive that nobody else had access to--I would've happily volunteered to help edit them since I shot a good chunk of them)

I've shot a good number of lans officially and unofficially and haven't gotten paid for anything (which I'm fine with, was just volunteering to give back and gain some experience, but it's hard to justify compared with regular photo gigs which are typically $50/hr at least), i know nyxia and i both considered doing this one and past resup lans but iirc there wasn't a huge amount of money available for compensation, and it's usually just more fun to play instead.

Since the community clearly cares a lot about this photo stuff, maybe we could petition for more resources to be allocated towards it for the next big tournament (or raise money if need be, like the prize pool donations), or at the very least have a pay structure that incentivizes actually delivering the photos promptly. Maybe it's worth actually paying for a dedicated editor or giving multiple people access to the files, or figuring out how things were handled at previous lans (e.g., Rewind 1 with uberchain/jas/moof iirc)
posted 11 months ago
#35 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

the length of this process is dissapointing given how 99% of other events have photos out within a week if not sooner, along with the fact that when I handled them the event before they were ready within that week timeframe but the admin delay correlates with the experience I had when trying to publish the photos.

posted 11 months ago
#18 A Huge Problem on TFTV in TF2 General Discussion

open egos dont have the blind confidence they used to, they fear shame and it's dissapointing

posted 11 months ago
#988 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

poor sargeant lol, rlly hopin the kid can get smth goin this year

posted about a year ago
#5 TFTV FGC players in Off Topic

that being said i went 2-2 at combo breaker this year in strive & 2-2 at crossover arc, both in strive, hoping evo goes well

posted about a year ago
#4 TFTV FGC players in Off Topic
Seinfeldindecency0-147 in BANself proclaimed "i dont wanna block" player...

i cant stand ky players bro, honest neutral lookin ass

posted about a year ago
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