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Signed Up October 19, 2013
Last Posted July 19, 2024 at 10:12 AM
Posts 39 (0 per day)
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#10 help me find this dream please in Off Topic
Jackawaanyone else have to de-oil their balls daily?

is this actually a thing??? no way

posted 7 months ago
#2 name change request in Requests


posted 7 months ago
#5 help me find this dream please in Off Topic
rmrfTheBabaBossShut up monkeySo true Mr. BabaBoss

oh i thought his name was boss baby. had to read it like 4 times to get it right.


posted 7 months ago
#1 help me find this dream please in Off Topic

I have a really specific question. So there's like a meme video I saw in my dream and it woke me up because I was laughing so hard that I genuinely thought I was going to suffocate and die. Like the fact that I'm giggling rn typing this is scaring me a little because I'm actually concerned. I could NOT breathe at all for like an entire two minutes. I might kill myself from laughter if given this info by accident but I don't care so I'm going to ask anyway. :grinning: The vid in my dream might be a little bit different from how it actually happens? I don't know because brains are weird and make shit up all the time, but I feel like this is way too specific for my brain to just make up out of nowhere LMAO. I'll just write what I saw happen.
It starts in like a desert or something like Arizona new Mexico vibes but with a long ass road. There's some dude driving in a car and another walking, but the dude walking is trying to check his beard (or freshly shaven face? Or maybe just head hair??? ) in the mirror of the car the the dude is driving, but he's already like half a mile away.
THE GUY NOTICES, AND TURNS AROUND. DRIVES REALLY FAST TOWARDS THE DUDE WALKING AND GETS OUT, TRYING TO START A FIGHT. They then proceed to start like a rap battle or something? (Holy shit I'm already laughing again typing this because it sounds fucking insane!) But here's the kicker: the dude walking is like actually coming up with decent rhymes and owning the car dude but the car dude keeps using the same fucking rhyme over and over again but with a different setup each time. He always ends with "Hermes." It's so fucking stupid but the more this happens over and over the more I can't control my laughter and the closer I get to just dropping dead. I don't even remember what happens at this point because I'm so fixated on the fucking rhyme. Why would he do that? LOOOOOL. The rest is a blur kinda, its been a few minutes since I woke up so I'm starting to forget what even happened. I'm pretty sure it ended with the rhyme guy getting really pissed off or something and then some even funnier thing happened. damn idk.
I Think it's the contrast between the sheer confidence, the giant nuts of the car dude despite being not very smart and thus only using one rhyme over and over, that just utterly kills me. It's so silly. Please dear god if any of you remember that this is a thing that exists I NEED you to post it here. I swear I'm not making it up. The issue though is that no matter what I type into google or youtube, i always end up just getting like, driving tutorial vids for teens or some other stupid bullshit that isnt even close to what I see in my head. This is something I feel like I've seen before more than once and I'm going to go fucking insane if it turns out that I'm just making it up. Id actually be kinda impressed with myself though if that's the case... Anyway, I await your response~

posted 7 months ago
#12 Map design in TF2 General Discussion

the haters dont understand this

posted 7 months ago
#19 rahThread: Blue Moon Breakfasts in Off Topic
Seinfeldfrrench toast hit so good when you havent had a good french toast in a minute

french toast is the best shit ever i could eat it once in a blue moon tbh

posted 7 months ago
#1 skibidi bop in Off Topic

have anyone ever noticed that like every medic main evr will play solly sometime and always make the racecar noises when rolling out. its like every medic player i ever met. theyre always like on cp_sunshine or smth and theyll hit da ramp slide while going "nyooooooooommmm nyerrrrrrrrrr vrmmmmm"

honestly its rly cute we need 2 protect our medics

posted 7 months ago
#1 name change request in Requests

From aWd1x to obby

posted 7 months ago
#1 Does the demoknight script even exist still? in TF2 General Discussion

Just wondering since its been shat on a bunch of times by valve and then steampipe etc.

if it still works can someone link me to directions or whatever?

posted about 11 years ago
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