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SteamID64 76561198352498739
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Signed Up January 7, 2019
Last Posted January 7, 2019 at 4:41 PM
Posts 1 (0 per day)
#21 Serious suggestion about the jumper weapons in TF2 General Discussion
Olgha@Jordy From a player that does 4k as pocket every scrim, you should stop talking about things you don't comprehend, and think about using it, with that weapon you don't have to aim at people and you get more survivability, a thing that you seem to struggle with.

nothing against you, just the fact that you get to prem with your level showst that this game has issues

fee fi fo fum i smell the blood of a retarded one
silly human how dare you insult the child progidy of all that is tf2
he is bred from the genes of banny himself and possess the knowledge of the great gay furry tuggernaug

u do not know the fury that you will unleash upon your silly life pitiful human!!!!!!

posted about 6 years ago