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SteamID64 76561198025858897
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:32796584
Country England
Signed Up September 5, 2012
Last Posted September 23, 2021 at 2:47 PM
Posts 1339 (0.3 per day)
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Mousepad Overclockers' Fuck Off Huge One
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
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#18 Can tftv change back to old stream hud ? in TF2 General Discussion
ppaleunrocketslayplease get some way to have damage numbers it's so aids having to look at hp to see how much damage people are taking
I'm not an observer, so I cannot say that this is surely the reasoning. But I would assume that damage numbers are off for the sake of cleanliness on stream. It looks a lot cleaner and smoother to not have "-X" coming off players everywhere.

Also it can't be done through an STV so there you go

posted about 8 years ago
#48 Starkie - The Rise To Sublimity in TF2 General Discussion
dashnerNever forget his greatest contribution to the scene

I thought this was his greatest contribution.

Upon second reading, he said he wouldn't quit if this happened. We were lied too.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Why does asiafortress not stream on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion
bleghfarecWhile on this subject, why is TFLive (or CappingTV...) a separate organisation from TFTV? It would be better to consolidate competitive TF2 casts under one channel, no?

edit: struck a nerve apparently...

The TFTV crew work closely with other organisations, it's just not shown publicly.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 see bots chat in Off Topic
SpyromancerThey're talking in Morse/ binary/ some other code.


Also, this exchange.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Binding of Isaac Rebirth: Afterbirth+ in Other Games

Don't like the fact that normal chests can turn into spike chests just for the shit of it.

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Stepping down from TFTV in Off Topic

Thanks for the cider at i55 that I left at the venue and for the free food voucher at i58 that I didn't use and thanks for getting me a TFTV shirt that I can't fit into anymore

Much love for you dude, you're one of the best people I've met from the community by far

posted about 8 years ago
#140 Overwatch HUD in Customization
nimtra- Figure out how to get the Find a game menu's background to extend fully, and not get cut off near the end

Same fix as the Team Menu I gave you a while back.

"scaleImage"	"1"

Add that to "playlistBG1" in mainmenuoverride.res

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Help Naming a TF2 Documentary in Videos
DollyTrying to recover after getting downvoted so he doesn't lose his 4 stars lol

Don't take my stars

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Help Naming a TF2 Documentary in Videos
aieraomniDead Gamecan you go back to quitting the game thanks

I genuinely didn't mean it in a bad sense. It would actually be fitting to call it that and then have the documentary show how alive the game still is. Don't be so insecure about TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Help Naming a TF2 Documentary in Videos

Dead Game

posted about 8 years ago
#8 CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin in Projects
GentlemanJonpazerAs far as I know, tsc had told that he was no longer interested in maintaining StatusSpec, and I've tried to contact him on Steam for almost 2 months at this point, so I don't really see that happening.Try twitter

Try logging into Steam

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Sideshow in Jurassic World? in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#1 See you later in Off Topic

So, my time with TF2 is over. I haven't played the game properly since i58, and I haven't been keeping up with any kind of updates or been keen to try any of the new things coming into the game, from the developers or the community. I've more or less lost all interest, which is sad. But, it's happened, and it's time to move on.

I kinda wanna write about my experience with the game and say goodbye, so please read my terribly written story. tldr; see you later.

I started playing TF2 back in 2009/2010. I started playing dumb shit like Pyro Dodgeball and Vs. Saxton Hale with American friends, before getting a job and not being able to maintain staying up until 4 in the morning laughing about pootis heavy or whatever. After that, I didn't really expect to keep playing TF2 much, to be completely honest. I thought I'd be finished with it due to all my TF2 friends being American and not being able to find the time to play with them. But I found TFTV, and I found competitive. I gained excellent friendships through lobbies, mixes and teams. After a few seasons of picking up competitive quite well, I eventually reached High Division in ETF2L, and then quit before I even started the season. At that point, I was losing interest and I was losing it fast.

I actually thought I'd end there. But if you're aware of who I am, you'll know I've been a prominent member of the HUD development community for the past few years. This made me stick with the game a lot longer than I initially planned. It pushed me to create, as my interest in HUD development seemed to be unending.

HUD development gave me something new to do in a game I've devoted so many hours to in different ways. But, as always with this game, I tend to lose interest, and I have.

I got far with it, and I was able to get involved in some awesome community projects. TFTV brought me in back in April 2015 to maintain and develop the TFTV casting HUD, and the crew at Tip of the Hats got me involved to maintain their stream HUD a few months later that same year. I've worked with these guys for the last year and a half, and unfortunately, I will be leaving my position with TFTV. However, I will be sticking with the Tip of the Hats team, as Dashner convinced me that "ToTH is full of people who are done with TF2, and we still all come together and do our thing for the kids". So there's that, at least. Good job, Dashner. I wanted to fully leave and you've stopped me. Fucker.

Both TFTV and TOTH have been fantastic to me, especially for getting me involved with the great work they've been pumping out. They've shown me what it means to truly work in a team (even if I've argued mindlessly with some of them about dumb shit), and I'm super grateful for that. I've already said my goodbyes to the TFTV crew, so I don't need to say them here. and will continue to run as they always have. It'll probably be the only thing other than Tip of the Hats that I'll involve myself in that relates to TF2. My good friend wiethoofd tends to take care of the update posts now, and basically runs itself, so my work there is done (besides the occasional maintenance, I'm sure). If anything is to change with either one, I'll be sure to let you know. I'll also continue to be involved in the small but wonderful charity streams.

I won't say any individual thank yous and goodbyes here, it'd take me too long. I've interacted with a lot of good people here, and if we've ever had a decent conversation; thanks for being a friend. I'll miss y'all.

Of course, as everyone who leaves TF2 does nowadays, I play Overwatch now, and tend to have open more than Steam, so feel free to add me if you ever wanna play (omni#21928). I also play the Pokemon TCG Online because I'm a manchild, so if you want to beat my shit decks, search for omnibombulator.

That'll do. Cheers guys. See you later.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 favorite pokemon in Other Games

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Should use minimum view models in stream? in TF2 General Discussion

We discussed this internally and we all came to the agreement that the min viewmodels are just as garbage as the normal ones.

Also, people need to understand that the reason übers don't have their own progress bar at the moment is because statusspec is broken. Removing it was not a design choice; we literally can't show it because the game crashes.

posted about 8 years ago
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