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Last Posted December 2, 2016 at 11:09 PM
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#1 An octopus game I'm making is on Greenlight in Off Topic

hi! You may remember my previous thread for Flow State, which was / is a skateboarding game I am / was working on. I put it on the backburner at least for the time being, partially because Perfect Stride is basically already the perfect representation of fps-skating as it is, and partially because I went to stay with a friend in Australia for a few months and we decided to do something collaborative.

The result is a game called Muddledash:


I went ahead with the local multiplayer aspect in part because the memories of screaming alongside people on mumble scrimming / pugging / playing matches are some of the fondest times of my past few years. I really wanted to create a game that could bring people together that way, in the same room, to share something.

As before, I don't want to clutter tftv with irrelevant self-promotional stuff, but I came here to also ask a question. I'm a little out of the loop on streamers now and I'd love to see some folks here trying it out when it comes time to distribute builds of the game. If anybody has suggestions for people active on twitch and likely to be able to assemble a few friends in the same room that might be up for streaming, please let me know!
I'd love to get in touch.

Right now the game is on Greenlight, and it's in the voting stage - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=810432335
If you feel like voting to help get it on Steam I'd really appreciate it, but regardless, I'll finally start signing in to my account again a bit more now I'm using developer tools - hope to see some of you again soon : ^ }

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Flow State, a first person skating game I'm making in Off Topic

Wow, thanks so much for all the comments! It’s super helpful for me to see – even if it’s not direct criticism or suggestions, just seeing interest in it is very heartening.

@smesi: I do actually agree in that it’s very underdeveloped, and when I contrast it with what’s in my head of when it’s more fleshed out, the game will have a lot more ‘soul’ to it. Both in terms of gameplay and art direction, right now even ‘alpha’ seems like jumping the gun, more like proof of concept.
@fahrenheit good ear. It’s actually been so long since I played thps that I can’t remember which are subtle winks to the series and which are just my warped perspective on how they were
@Scruff yeah. The movement is actually based on the original quake3 movement code (it's open source), so airstrafing works very similarly to that and tf2, it’s more just a different ‘feel’ due to differing friction / acceleration parameters but the mechanics are the same. Surfing as we know it in surf maps isn’t such a direct translation but I’m going to be looking into that more soon.
@Zesty this is good to hear, thanks for mentioning it. Motion sickness is a real concern, and I think part of it there is the consequence of watching rather than playing. I looked down more than I normally would when playing just to showcase how the board moves, but:
@deykuzor your suggestion is a great one. I’ve added a board ‘minicam’ to the priority list. Before I’d considered doing this for manuals just so you wouldn’t have to look down all the time but I think fulltime board cam with the option to toggle on/off should work well. Thank you!
@wac so right now I’m just still in the stages of figuring out the scope of the game. I’m going to keep working on it, posting, updating, seeing how the world feels about it. Down the line I’ll need to be able to support myself more steadily, so aim for a kickstarter + steam greenlight to ensure I can actually comfortably allocate time and make sure it gets made. I’ll keep this thread and the one linked in the op updated as I go, so I won’t disappear on you! At some point it’ll be great to have some external testing being done too, and I’ll get some people on here involved if I can.
@Inhake yep! Right now I’m developing with keyboard + mouse only, but stick gestures for controller support is planned. I put a post up on the TIGSource page explaining a bit on how the free rotation works.
Arcane Kids’ Perfect Stride looks amazing. I actually discovered it when I was quite far into development, and sort of had a panic attack that I’d been accidentally ripping them off. However I emailed them and they were super nice about it all, and it seems like the direction our games take diverge quite a lot.
and: no relation. sadly. good marketing angle though

As mentioned before, I'll keep this thread updated when new developments occur!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Flow State, a first person skating game I'm making in Off Topic

hello! I am likely an unfamiliar name, particularly so here at this point, but I played with the team that SNSD became (Jamais Vu) in ETF2L S6 platinum, and in some other European high / plat teams before that. In any case, I passively lurk here a lot when I can.

I've been working on a first person skateboarding game called Flow State. Here's a really (REALLY) early in-development video of some of the features:


I'm coming from a background of really thoroughly enjoying the movement TF2 has and I think there's lots to be said for how fun even just speedrunning any jump or surf map can be. It'd be great to hear some opinions from people more active than I about where they'd like to see a game like this taken. It's really early days for me and game development is a heavily iterative process by nature, so the sooner I get help on what works and what doesn't, the better for everybody!

I don't want to overload this post with redundant information, but I'm keeping a more fleshed out devlog of it here if you're interested: https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=56148.0

let me know what you think!

posted about 8 years ago
#1789 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


clips from the season with kaidus & co

posted about 10 years ago
#1219 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 11 years ago
#879 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 11 years ago
#523 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


Don't know if this fits here, apologies if not!

posted about 11 years ago
#149 [PSA] SteamPipe, Part 2 in TF2 General Discussion

Everything's working well for me except hitsound - I can't seem to find a place to put it that works, and also tf_dingaling_pitchmax/mindmg no longer appears to work. Has anybody else encountered this issue?

posted about 11 years ago