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Last Posted October 5, 2024 at 1:02 PM
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#1 Passtime Trickjump Competition in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone!
this is my first (and probably only post,) containing some interesting info regarding a passtime trickjump competition

for the last how ever long I've dedicated a lot of my time into passtime due to the awesome things you can do with a silly ball rolling on the floor, and the awesome things I've seen my friends do.

I want to share that awesome-ness with a small tourney, nothing big nothing to crazy but free to join and a free (base) prize pool of 12 keys, 6 for solo, 6 for Co-op.

(poster that took all day to make lol)

(if the image worked, it didnt) please go to passtime.tf and join the discord for a lot more information i couldnt post here (theres alot), if you'd like to submit your awesome jumps (or don't know what a trickjump is,) I'm free almost every time of the day currently to answer said questions anyone has for me!
https://youtu.be/ZkiFdHu9ffA <- quick youtube video on what a passtime trickjump is (its not good)

The contest lasts from October 12th to November 7th, hopefully I'll stream the rankings on the 8th
to submit a trickjump please have a POV demo and if you really want to an STV will be accepted, with the file format: Player_map_tick_solo/coop_stv/pov
Google Forum here
a mini montage will be made in memory of one of my first community fueled project, so if an STV would be appreciated but not required.

donations are accepted to increase the prize pool, if you'd like to feel free to DM me! (owen608 on most platforms)

posted 4 months ago
#2 passtime.tf Showmatch: GOBLIN JACKS vs. Assworms, Inc. in Events


posted 6 months ago
#7 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

I've legit only made an account to comment on this,

Please, for the love of god, fix the community and how its ran i honestly dont enjoy pugging in Tf2CC anymore, I want to have fun and, play the game in which ive spent thousands of hours playing. I dont want some nerd complaining where my demos are for a single instance. let. me. enjoy. my. game. of course theres a purpose to doing all of this but please at least have a reasonable explanation on WHY you need my demos instead of a "hey let me have this, i wont go over it and if you dont hand me it ill add a funny text onto your profile" like, come on

posted 7 months ago