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Signed Up December 27, 2015
Last Posted August 20, 2018 at 9:56 AM
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#5490 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyone know how Colly did this chat box?

It looks like he was able to hide that ugly rounded corner bg and add a background to the text entry field. His old hud has this in his basechat.res:

"bgcolor_override" "255 0 0 255" //this changes the bg u kno (minus except for the alpha), except I bs it with animations anyway (which does change alpha :B )

I tried creating an animation in hudanimations, but I think I must be doing it wrong:

event HideChatBG
Animate HudChat bgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.0

posted about 6 years ago
#5481 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyway to make text wrap to the next line instead of being clipped?

posted about 6 years ago
#1627 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Wait, so if your lan profile locks to 15 lerp because of ratio 1 and your new default is 17ms (old was 21), why are you labeling 15 lerp only recommended for LAN when you literally just said on the last page:

And for projectiles, the difference of like 2ms latency does not adversely affect hits

LOL, you make no sense.

demonstrably with 100% confidence does not work, is actually harmful.

yup, tons of csgo pros were harmed winning hundreds of tournaments with 0 lerp, same with ppl like b4nny that have 0 lerp and one of the best players in tf2. lots of harm being done! there's no way 0 lerp would be around for 10+ years and recommended so much if it was harmful.

posted about 6 years ago
#1625 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomspancake_stacksdegupancake_stacksi dont know if you're deliberately ignoring the points me and mastercoms are making
YES you can get "lerp 0 ms" on net_graph because the number is the result of a local calculation but it's limited on the server side to 15,2 ms on 66 tick, 7,6 on 133 tick and so on
if the number is below 15,2 ms the effective value is still 15,2 ms
you can read about it here: or
however feel free to prove us wrong by providing evidence that isn't "this just feels better"

What are you talking about? You said I was getting 0 lerp by doing some trick besides using cl_interp 0 and showed you I wasn't. If the value is inaccurate, so be it. It's why I prefaced my statement as a question (I believe you're incorrect? ), because I wasn't entirely sure. It's how I've seen in countless configs and what's shown on net_graph, so it's easy to be mislead if you're statements are correct.

And the material you're telling me to read has this comment lol:
You can think of the interpolation buffer (lerp) length as additional time added to your ping. It's in your best interest to keep lerp as low as possible.
You're ignoring everything else written, so you don't understand what "as possible" means. Read about variance and packet loss and notice how the conclusion they reached was not 15.2ms lerp in that config.

I already clarified that net_graph was inaccurate, no need to hound degu over it for 4 more posts.

I never ignored anything or hounded anyone! I used cl_interp 0 to get 0 lerp, the guy says I did some magic trick to glitch it to get 0 lerp, which I didn't. I provided the details to the server as proof to backup my claim, which anyone can go test and confirm. I said "if it's inaccurate, so be it". Is it really hard for you two to grasp if someone sees 0 lerp on their netgraph, that they are going to perceive that's the value set? And TF2 isn't the only game where you can get 0 lerp to display without using any glitches. Go look at the CSGO scene, everyone uses 0 lerp.

If there really is an invisible hardlock of 15 lerp, why are you even providing a 0 lerp setting in your config for lan? Does LAN play bypass this invisible hardlock? Well, I tried it. I created a LAN server and joined from a laptop on my network, the lerp is hard locked at 15 with the same settings I used to get 0 lerp on a community server.. so your config contradicts what you're preaching.

And it's funny talking about understanding things and people using wrong commands in their configs, etc - considering back when I asked you about the net_splitraterate commands in your cfg being server side only commands, you didn't even know if they worked or not for the client, but hey, might as well throw them in there, right? It's funny considering there was talk about placebo earlier.

mastercomsI believe it works on clients, as clients still split packets if they're too big. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any source code that uses these split packet commands, so I can't be too sure about them.
posted about 6 years ago
#1623 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
degupancake_stacksi dont know if you're deliberately ignoring the points me and mastercoms are making
YES you can get "lerp 0 ms" on net_graph because the number is the result of a local calculation but it's limited on the server side to 15,2 ms on 66 tick, 7,6 on 133 tick and so on
if the number is below 15,2 ms the effective value is still 15,2 ms
you can read about it here: or
however feel free to prove us wrong by providing evidence that isn't "this just feels better"

What are you talking about? You said I was getting 0 lerp by doing some trick besides using cl_interp 0 and showed you I wasn't. If the value is inaccurate, so be it. It's why I prefaced my statement as a question (I believe you're incorrect? ), because I wasn't entirely sure. It's how I've seen in countless configs and what's shown on net_graph, so it's easy to be mislead if you're statements are correct.

And the material you're telling me to read has this comment lol:

You can think of the interpolation buffer (lerp) length as additional time added to your ping. It's in your best interest to keep lerp as low as possible.
posted about 6 years ago
#1621 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
degupancake_stacksWhat do you mean I'm changing my updaterate? I didn't do the updaterate trick to get 0 lerp, the updaterate is defaulted to 66 from the FPS config, which you can see in the screenshot top/bottom on 66.i dont know what settings you're changing to get "0 ms" lerp, i said updaterate because that's the method i know (cl_updaterate 100000), you're not getting 0 lerp just by typing "cl_interp 0"

All I changed was cl_interp 0 and cl_interp_ratio 0.

Try it yourself on server:

I didn't use any tricks to get 0 lerp.

posted about 6 years ago
#1618 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
degupancake_stacksthe value it shows is a result of a maths operation and doesn't always reflect the reality, you can't go lower than 15,2 ms on 66,6 tick server
it's like 99 % placebo effect because you're changing updaterate to force the lerp number (not lerp itself) lower

What do you mean I'm changing my updaterate? I didn't do the updaterate trick to get 0 lerp, the updaterate is defaulted to 66 from the FPS config, which you can see in the screenshot top/bottom on 66.

posted about 6 years ago
#1616 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsIt's obviously placeb
o in your case, if you say there's a difference past 10ms. The lowest TF2 can go is 15.2ms. There is a reason why interp exists, and why I have that recommendation. Extrapolation is much more harmful than interpolation, especially since you have server frame rate drops and variance regularly on most servers.

The server is aware of and accounts for client side interpolation latency, so the hitbox argument is invalid entirely for hitscan. And for projectiles, the difference of like 6ms latency does not adversely affect hits, as accurate trajectory is of utmost importance, rather than accurate position within 6ms, since projectiles have a travel time.

I believe you're incorrect? The lowest TF2 can go is 0ms, there are plenty of comp servers that allow it and even standard community servers. A pub server I just joined and 0 lerp:

And it's definitely not placebo. The difference is night and day for me. There is a reason why all competitive pro players are using the lowest possible lerp. Go look at the CSGO pro scene configs, or even TF2 comp scene configs. 99% are using 0 lerp.

And lastly about the hitbox argument, there are countless videos on youtube demonstrating the need to lead targets when using a higher lerp than a lower one. It's clear as day.

posted about 6 years ago
#1614 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Thanks for updating the commented file.

You should also maybe look into going over your interp section. Having 0 interp being tagged as "recommend as LAN only" isn't the best advice. I personally can't snipe consistently with a lerp higher than 10 (your cfg without any tweaks defaults me to 21 lerp on a pub server, too high IMO), as the hit reg legit feels broken when using a high lerp and you're facing other snipers that are constantly strafe spamming, crouch spamming, drop scope trick, etc. I personally like the lowest possible lerp possible on all classes, as it lines up the hitbox with the visual model as close as possible.

posted about 6 years ago
#5443 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyway to have console open at a specific size (dimension) and position?

posted about 6 years ago
#1519 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomspancake_stacksHaven't downloaded in a while, but what happen to the heavily commented files? Anywhere to still see updated versions with commented lines?On GitHub, you can look in the config folder for everything.

That's from April though. You've stripped all the commenting from newer versions, sadly. The pre-made presets don't always fit a persons preferences. It was nice being able to quickly read what a cvar did and tweaking it without having to constantly google and cross reference what does what, e.g. - every other fps config. I'mma leave you with this:

mastercomsI'd like to point out that the whole point of the extensive commenting was so people could understand the values and choose the best value for their needs.
posted about 6 years ago
#5395 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyone know how to change the input box font size and auto complete results font size in console? It's way too tiny at higher resolutions. I can change the output of console by changing "ConsoleText" in sourcescheme.res, but it doesn't affect the input box and auto complete results:

Edit: It's "DefaultSmall" name property

posted about 6 years ago
#1439 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Haven't downloaded in a while, but what happen to the heavily commented files? Anywhere to still see updated versions with commented lines?

posted about 6 years ago
#1156 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Ok, I was testing just now and the no rear sounds is in fact an issue with TF2 and Sonic emulation, at least on my PC. Sonic works fine in other games, so a bit weird. I tested a few other emulation (Razer Synapse and Dolby Atmos) and they seem to work perfectly fine with the configs sound commands. You can get a 30day trial for Dolby Atmos on the windows store, but Razer seems to be best for TF2 to my ears, and it seems like by a pretty big margin. It's also free.

posted about 6 years ago
#1153 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
stabbyThanks, very interesting....I wonder why there is no 7ch command. I'm also curious what all DSP effects are being applied in the first place, aside from sound placement stuff.

7ch is in fact shared with the 5ch volume setting, so if you want it completely off, you can use the dsp_vol_5ch 0. As far as the other commands, I'm going to try testing them myself tonight. I know the default settings in this config break the soundstage in multi channel speaker setups, aka surround sound. Or at least I think it does. I'm too lazy to reset my config and test with no config, as it might also be TF2 is just bad with surround. Or maybe it is Sonic from Windows.

A simple test you can do, go to 2fort sert, go to the water tunnel underneath, go to between the med pack and stairs, stand halfway between, shoot a rocket and then turn your back immediately before the rocket hits the wall and listen. On 5.1, there is no sound of the explosion to your back. If I switch to stereo and do the same test, I hear the explosion fine when I turn my back.

posted about 6 years ago
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