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Last Posted May 21, 2024 at 11:21 AM
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#2 Optimizing my fps in Hardware

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Sideshow? in TF2 General Discussion

I can finally pug in peace

posted about 7 years ago
#292 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

traditional danish bedstefar: Im watching football rn
traditional danish bedstefar: Why is nothing happening
traditional danish bedstefar: This is worse than na tf2
traditional danish bedstefar: Why cant they push last wtf

posted about 7 years ago
#262 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

That was game of the tournament so far!! both teams had so many chances could have gone either way. Kanu's goal is literally insanely good, the spatial awareness to sell 3 men and finish like that. To think he isnt even signed to a club

posted about 7 years ago
#142 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

I didnt see the game, i saw that it was 0-0. Who played well (players/teams)??

posted about 7 years ago
#111 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

its hard for the301stspartan to see ronaldos face when his tongue is in his ass

posted about 7 years ago
#103 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

woah i have nothing against portugal, i just thought it was a disappointing performance for the players they have. There was a champions league group stage game Barca vs Celtic (2012) where Celtic won 2-1 and had 11% possession, people always look into stats too much, they dont represent the game properly.

posted about 7 years ago
#98 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

he said decent attempts, in my book that means a goal scoring threat not a shot from 25 yards out. As i have previously said only 5/6 of them were decent, also reading a stat page doesnt justify the game at all, Iceland had 2 decent chances and were much more efficient with them.

posted about 7 years ago
#89 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

30+??????? what are you on about, portugal had 5 decent goal scoring attempts iceland had 2. Also portugal looked very uncreative up front, if i supported portugal I would be so annoyed with the play they played considering the talent they have and how poor iceland were.

posted about 7 years ago
#83 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

MASSIVE point for haffi there

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

the fact that you just said messi doesnt get the same treatment is one of the funniest statements i've ever heard. Messi definitely gets doubled marked more than anyone, did you watch any of the 2014 world cup matches? Guess what, he was able to overcome this and score 4 cruial goals and reach the final. I have no idea how you truly believe being great doesnt mean overcoming these issues. As someones whos played at a professional youth standard of football i can guarantee you that the best players at high levels are the ones who can adapt and overcome to whats thrown at them. Being versatile is a massive part of football and if you cant see that you clearly dont know what playing/understanding football at a high level is like.

p.s i would like a valid reason why my posts are dumb :)

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

well rooney is the all time top scorer for england, but i bet 99% of english people will tell you the likes of gary lineker and alan shearer have done way more for the national side than rooney, even though they dont have the record. Of course the bigger your reputation the more youre analysed by the other teams in the pre match debrief, so yes when ronaldo plays on the left of the forward 3/4 assuming youre playing 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3, the other team will play with a more defensive right winger so he can cover with the right back so ronaldo is always in a 2v1. But then how do other big name players perform at major tournament. Messi, muller, klose, henry, trezeguet all got/get the same treatment and still performed when it matters. Surely one of the key qualities of being a great is getting past this. You're clearly a massive ronaldo fan so you will back him no matter what. Personally i feel he hasnt lived up to his name in the big tournaments, maybe he'll do it in the euros now

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

kaneco you really dont understand what i mean. Yes ronaldo is one if not the best player in the world im not bashing him for his insane club goal scoring record, he is one of the greatest ever. But when it comes to the World cup finals and European cup finals he hasnt performed at all. I have no idea how you can call bullshit and say that im factually wrong. In the 2014/2010/2006 world cup he scored a total 3 goal the combined 3 tournaments. 1 goal per tournament sounds quite terrible for one of the best players ever. In the 2008/2004 he scored a combined total of 3 goals. How on earth is 1 goal a tournament "carrying the national team on his back as far as I can remember". It is a completely factually correct to say that ronaldo has choked in these 5 international finals, and i dont see why this one will be different. He hasnt proven himself as one of the greats for his national side is all im saying. When i said on an international stage i meant quite literally playing for his nation in a world/euro cup. Just because youve done it for your club doesnt mean you have done it for your nation.

A true carry is someone like the Brazilian Ronaldo. In the 2002/1998 world cup he scored a combined 12 goals (6 goals per tournament, 6 times cristiano's stats). He has won 2 world cups and in the other he won the golden ball. (where he had a fit before the final against france). This sounds like "carrying" to me, if you still believe cristiano ronaldo carries portugal you clearly are just fan-gaying over him because hes portuguese.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

cookie the ratio at which he performs to not (in a big match) is actually surprising for how good he is, also no offense but playing sweden in the qualifiers isnt the same as performing against a top 4 euro team.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

yes kaneco as much as i appreciate that he has the CL record, my point is that he is not a big game player hence why he was completely irrelevant in the CL final. Also you are proving my point, with that kind of penal record (93%), surely he would be the number 1 penalty taker resulting in almost a guarantee goal. At no point did i ever suggest he isnt an incredible player (probably the most complete ever) i still think that ronaldo wont do in on the international stage. Many great players havent done this, for example look at the english euro 2004 team. This team features some of the biggest names in footballing history such as rooney, lampard, gerrard, terry. None of these players did it, and i feel ronaldo wont either. I apologise if i offended you as youre portuguese, i just think ronaldo wont do it on the international stage, lets see if he proves me wrong :)

posted about 7 years ago
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