lucrativeIf you have a bone problem (likely, given your diagnosis of scapula pain) a personal trainer isn’t gonna help you much, scapulas almost always require xrays. If it happens to be problems with muscle pain around your shoulders/neck/trap ice that shit and stretch (lightly) until you feel the pain decrease then try resistance excess uses until the pain subsides.
i think its more bone based but idk never had this type of injury before
toothwhat did you do to your scapula to make it hurt in the first place, and when does it hurt (like what do you do to make it hurt and what makes it stop)
i was doing my last set of dumbell rows and instead of pulling to my hip I pulled more towards my back 1-2 times and then it started hurting,i took some painkillers so the pain is less but it hurts when i do most movement with my arm