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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 1, 2014 at 10:31 PM
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#113 dorito_snapped in TF2 General Discussion

I disagree that "Saying you don't like someone [in a sexual way] anymore because they're fat is mean". It's just a statement of fact, I think; it's not like he said he doesn't like the girl as a person because she gained weight, just that he lost a sense of sexual attraction to her. It might be shallow, but it's certainly not immoral to say that a change in someone's physical appearance has changed your physical attraction to them.

HOWEVER, I think I agree with you that showing the photo wasn't a good move, and stepped over the line.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 suicide. in Off Topic

Hey chaaz, I thought about writing out a lot of stuff because I've been dealing with similar feelings recently, and have been dealing with other people who have attempted suicide in the past few months, but I didn't want to write too much about myself and my own experience, since everyone's experience is different.

I encourage you to message me here or on steam to talk at some point; I've found that when we're in these situations a lot of good can come from simply being able to express yourself to another person without judgment. I'm not a doctor so I can't/won't prescribe anything, but I'm glad to listen to you.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 rick and morty in Off Topic

Jesus dude, that last episode

posted about 10 years ago
#387 age in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#80 College Apps - Official Thread in Off Topic

Yeah I've been using that for weeks, putting in potential scores

posted about 11 years ago
#77 College Apps - Official Thread in Off Topic
SoappatternzI just received my LSAT score from December: 173. With my GPA, I'm an auto-admit to everything but the top 5 law programs, and stand a good chance to get into everywhere except Yale. Pretty stoked about that, been on pins and needles for ages about the score.
Thats awesome. I am split on my future. Part of me wants to go to law school, meanwhile I am finishing up pre-med.

What is your GPA? What was the LSAT like? your major?

My gpa is about a 3.77, and I'm a triple major in english/history/philosophy&religion; I go to an okay, but not stellar, undergrad school. The LSAT was pretty hard, not gonna lie; I took a dozen or so old exams beforehand. If you like logic games then the analytical reasoning will be pleasant, and if you have taken a logic class, the logical reasoning/reading comprehension will be really familiar.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 College Apps - Official Thread in Off Topic

I just received my LSAT score from December: 173. With my GPA, I'm an auto-admit to everything but the top 5 law programs, and stand a good chance to get into everywhere except Yale. Pretty stoked about that, been on pins and needles for ages about the score.

posted about 11 years ago
#355 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

To Bloodsire & Ruwin:

What sort of sentiments are running through the highest level of 6s comp? I mean, are ESEA-I, ETF2L Prem teams looking at the game and seeing it stagnate due to arguably stale metagame and a lack of new, interesting unlocks? Something like this requires community wide support, and I was wondering what the feeling is among the more prominent 6s players, people who could arguably push and actually enact change.

posted about 11 years ago
#344 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

#335, rather than throwing your hands up and calling it a failure, consider the idea that valve can balance weapons if given the incentive to do so.

posted about 11 years ago