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Last Posted January 10, 2024 at 6:10 PM
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#66 book megathread in Off Topic
WARHURYEAHSome books I've read since last time:
Hyperion series - Book 1 was really great. Listened to the audio book version which was really cool with great performances. Book 3 I didn't really enjoy that much.
I Am Legend - Pretty neat book.
Rendezvous with Rama
Carrion Comfort - Pretty enjoyable but gets a bit wacky.
The Terror - This was a very cool book. Loved the format.
The City and The City - This was a hard read for me at first but I got engrossed in how bizarre it was at points.
Perdido Street Station & The Scar - These were also a tricky read for me personally (I'm dumb). Mainly because I struggle to concentrate whilst reading sometimes and the weird as fuck names and concepts threw me off. But I'm really glad I stuck with it. The world building and concepts are incredible.

Also on book 8 of WOT. Was struggling to keep going on the last couple of books, I was getting tired of having a detailed description of what people were wearing all the time.

It looks like we gave a lot of book commonality. I've also read those China Melville books. I wasn't as wowed by Perdido Street Station as I was The City and the City.

To weigh in on WOT, you are basically prime SLOG. WOT is at it's most tedious from books 8-10. Realistically best to keep this in mind and just practice speeding thru dull chapters and characters (cough Elayne chunks). It picks a decent amount in book 11 and then is class for all Brandon Sanderson books. Also the prequel is really good so if you haven't already read that, I'd recommend.

For me, I've most recently read On Such a Full sea which was good but I wouldn't recommend it other stuff. It is compared to Kazuo Ishiguro who I think clears it. I would however recommend Barney's Version. I've described it as a drunken version of the World According to Garp, not as purely wholesome but still touching and paints a picture of a character that one is taken with. I would also wholeheartedly second the Perfume recommendation that I saw elsewhere in this thread.

posted about a year ago
#21 Ratz Instagib on sale! in Other Games

Can you guys justifiy getting this game over Warsow or Xonotic. Two free games that already have multiple developers and players. Warsow is greenlit and the devs are working hard to get the game to a 1.0 release for Steam. So what makes this game any better than those 2?

posted about 9 years ago