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Last Posted November 30, 2017 at 12:09 PM
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#7 Ping spikes + lerp stuck at 50ms in Q/A Help

Guess not, the ping spikes are still there...

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Ping spikes + lerp stuck at 50ms in Q/A Help
JojoI've read quite a few of these "help my net settings in game aren't the same as what's in my cfg" and 99 percent of them end in "I found the wrong settings somewhere else in my cfgs".

The moral of the story here is no matter how sure you are that those values don't exist elsewhere double/triple check every cfg you have. Check your class cfgs, every line in your autoexec, any cfgs that are execed by your autoexec.

Also make sure to check that the config with the correct values is actually getting execed.

Ok, so you were... half right with that?

I'm not too sure why, but for some reason the "cl_updaterate 66" setting didn't actually get transferred to the main config.cfg file, whereas every other setting in the autoexec.cfg did. So it wasn't an issue of "the values are being overwritten", but "the values aren't written at all, even though they should be". Even manually adding it to config.cfg just made it disappear again after launching the game.

So manually adding that line and then setting the file to read-only did the trick, my lerp is now 15.2ms, as it should be. I didn't have that much time today, but of what I played so far, the ping spikes seem to be gone as well now, which is nice.

Thank you very much for the help, really appreciated.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Ping spikes + lerp stuck at 50ms in Q/A Help
yahoothere is no way your lerp is going to be like this with these settings

you prob have some different values set in your class config or somewhere else. bigger values are always used in game

Yeah, I just checked, there's no command lines that change any of the above settings in any of my other config files... :/

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Ping spikes + lerp stuck at 50ms in Q/A Help

Fairly positive that none of my class configs change any of these settings, but I'll have a look when I get back from work. Thanks though

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Ping spikes + lerp stuck at 50ms in Q/A Help

So while I'm playing on any kind of server, I keep getting ping spikes for around 5 seconds. They happen pretty frequently, probably one every 2-3 minutes during which my ping jumps to 150-250 while I have a ping of 20-30 normally. Also, this has only been happening after the jungle inferno update hit and only on TF2.

Not sure if this is related to that issue, but my lerp also seems to be constantly stuck at 50ms (and is displayed in orange), any .cfg files I created don't do anything to change it.

My autoexec.cfg has this:

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
rate 60000

Any idea why these two things happen and/or if they are related?

posted about 7 years ago
#417 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

I'm not sure if this is connected to the bugged inspect animations you've mentioned, but hiding primaries for Pyros will make it play the inspect animation for primaries over and over again if you do not have those hidden.

posted about 7 years ago